"Maybe we should be a little nicer to the swamp."Aang muttered as we moved behind Sokka who continued to cut vines.

"Aang, these are just plants. Do you want me to say "please" and "thank you" as I swing my machete back and forth?"Sokka sarcastically asked making me roll my eyes.

"Maybe you should listen to Aang. Something about this place feels ... alive."I muttered as I felt uneasy as I looked around the swamp.

"I'm sure there are lots of things that are alive here and if we don't wanna wind up getting eaten by them, we need to find Appa as fast as we can."Sokka responded befoee he went back to cutting vines.

"Appa! Momo!"Katara called out as she cupped her hands around her lips to amplify the sound.

"There's no way they can hear us and no way we can see them. We'll have to make camp for the night."I suggested as I looked around the swamp making Sokka grab a couple of branches.

"Sokka, the longer we're here, the more I think you shouldn't be doing do that."I responded as I watched him cut branches.

"No, I asked the swamp. It said this was fine."he responded before he grabbed a nearby root.

"Right, swamp?"he asked before she shook the roots and responded: "No problem, Sokka!"

"Xai, fire."he demanded making me cross my arms with attitude before I tossed a fire spark towards his feet which made him jump as he yelled sorry and please at the same time.

I pointed my two fingers towards the branches and shot a quick spark of fire at the branches before we sat around the flame huddled together.

"Does anyone else get the feeling that we're being watched?"Katara asked as she held onto my arm tighter.

"Please, we're all alone out here."Sokka responded as he tried to act tough as he moved his machete around trying to scare off a fly but then we saw glowing eyes which made my heart drop.

"Except for them."Aang responded as we held each other closer.

We sat around the fire and after awhile we drifted off to sleep, I had not even notice.

I heard giggling which made me sit up and look around the dark swamp.

"Is there somebody out there?"I asked before I looked behind me to look for Aang, Katara and Sokka but they weren't there which made me look around strangely but before I could look for them I heard the giggling again but this time I saw a bright light.

I ran towards the light and saw a little girl wearing a fancy dress.

"Are you lost?"I asked cautiously as I stepped forward but she continued to run which made me run after her by before I could run even further I felt something grab my wrist.

I looked down at my wrist and I noticed a vine wrapped around my arm.

My eyes shot up open when I felt something around my body which made me slowly open my eyes to see vines.

"Guys wake up!"I yelled making them all wake up to see the same vines around them, the vines yanked us violently which made me create ice blade and cut the vines that were around me as I felt them pull me away.

I felt myself being tugged into the mist as another vine grabbed my ankle making me cut them as I ran as fast as I could. I pushed myself up with water before I stopped and looked around the dark swamp.

"Aang! Katara! Sokka!?"I called out as I walked around the swamp before I lit up some fire from my hand as I walked around the swamp.

"Guys?"I asked as I looked around I then saw a figure standing ontop of a tree who quickly ran.

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