02: Escape

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"I will come fetch you at the afternoon, have fun. Remember what I told you."Chen said as she crouched down to Xai's level, she knew that Xai did not like it here one bit but unfortunately Chen had to meet up with General Iroh to discuss her escape.

"I remember. I'll see you later."Xai said as she looked behind her to see Azula sitting on the grass underneath the tree clapping in amusement as Ty Lee did another back flip, Mei simply sat next to Azula bored out of her mind until she saw Xai, she gave her a small smile and waved which in turn made Xai smile "Bye mommy."

Before Chen could reply, Xai had already ran towards her best friend. Out of all of the three, she got along with Mai, and Chen had no idea why.

"Bye."Chen said silently as she watched Xai happily sit next to Mai, Chen chuckled to herself and left the kids.

"Hello Xai."Azula greeted with a smirk on her face that made Xai feel uneasy.

"Uh hello, Princess Azula."She politely greeted back with a smile on her face before she got back to her conversation with Mai.

"I love your hair, Xai."Azula said as she made her way towards Xai and Mai, which made Mai roll her eyes and stare up at Azula.

"T-thank you."

"Although, Zuko loves girls with straight hair."Azula said as she crossed her arms and looked towards the passage where Zuko was walking with his mother, Xai looked at the same direction and looked down.

It was no secret that Xai had a crush on Zuko, the only person that did not know was Zuko himself but it was quite obvious that he was fond of the girl but only because Xai was the nicest of the four girls, well in his opinion.

Zuko just thought Ty Lee was too energetic for him, Mai was too cold heart and of course he did not like his sister one bit but Xai was different, she was fiesty, sassy and quite funny because she wasn't not afraid to put Azula in her place.

"Don't listen to her, Xai. Your hair is beautiful."Mai said as she gave Xai a small smile but Azula scoffed and rolled her eyes at the pair.

"It doesn't matter if you like it, it matter if Zuko likes it right?"Azula asked as she gave Xai a small smile, Xai said nothing and looked down at her fingers instead.

"Even if he did like girls with straight her, she can't change her hair now can she?"Ty Lee asked now joining the conversation.

"She can, come on!"Azula said as she pulled Xai up to her feet and dragged her towards the palace, the same place Chen always told her not to enter.

"Azula, I don't thi--"

"You're allowed in here? Please! You're in here with the princess."She sassed cutting Xai off as she pulled her into her room where one of her servants was there by her dressing table.

"Princess Azula."

"Hello."Xai greeted the servant as she bowed respectfully which made Azula internally roll her eyes.

"Lin please may you straighten Xai's hair."Lin looked down at the girl in shock but nodded anyway, she took Xai's hand and sat her down in front of the dressing table.

After what seemed like forever but was only 2 hours Lin had finally straightened Xai's hair, Azula seemed like she liked it so she cheered and brought Xai out the room and dragged her towards Zuko's room where he was reading his books.

"Zu-Zu!"Azula announced as she entered the room with me behind her.

"What do you want Az---"

"I've got a surprise for you! Look!"Azula announced as she pulled Xai from behind her, Zuko looked at Xai in shock.

Zuko was taken a back by Xai's straight hair not because he liked it or anything, he actually liked her unique curly hair.

"Do you like it?"Azula asked as she admired Xai with a smirk on her face.

"I liked your other hair better, Xai. Why did you change it?"Zuko asked as he looked down at me sadly which made Xai frown and looked down, she did not even know why she had listened to Azula out of all people.

"Azula sa--"

"Xai! What are you doing in here and what have I told you about coming into the palace?!"Xai looked up at the angry Chen in horror and fear, Chen's stern face then soften once she saw Xai's different hair.

"Wha-what did you do to your hair?"Chen asked as she bent down to Xai level sadly and gently touched her straightened her as she searched for any sight of Xai's usual coils.

"I hated it so I straightened it. It was very ugly."Xai lied as she crossed her arms and looked down to the ground.

"We are going home now, say goodbye to Prince Zuko and Princess Azula."Xai looked up at Chen in confusion because usually she says: 'Tell Prince Zuko and Princess Azula you will  see them tomorrow.' but she shook it off and said bye without thinking twice about it.

She never knew that Chen was planning on escaping the Fire Nation at Midnight.

When Chen and Xai arrived at their small cottage, Xai found Chen packing their stuff which was unusual but she didn't question anything because she knew Chen was disappointed in her for not listening. That night Chen didn't even tell her the usual story she tells her about the mysterious avatar so Xai just went to bed.


Xai was woken up by alot of movement she fluttered her eyes opened to see Chen with a cloak covering her face and she had fallen asleep as well, Xai looked around at her surroundings weirdly and discovered that she was in a carriage.

Xai movement on Chen's lap woke her up.

"Mommy what are we do--"

"Shh."Chen silently whispering as she placed her finger on her lips, Xai nodded and acted as if she was zipping her lips shut.

"We're here ma'am. Make sure you do the job properly and the Fire Lord will be honored."

Chen had lied to the soldiers and said that was going to kill the Avatar herself, far away and the soldier was ordered not to say anything by General Iroh, he was in on this too and Ursa.

"Thank you, I will be on my way now."Chen said as she jumped out of the carriage with Xai in her arms, Chen began to walk and hear the carriage go in an different direction.

"Mommy, where are we going?"Xai asked as she looked up at Chen through her oversized cloak.

"We are running away from the fire nation, they are bad people sweetheart. Do you remember the story about the avatar?"Chen asked as she removed her cloak and Xai's cloak so she could get a good look at her bright lilac eyes, Xai nodded enthusiastically as she knew the story from beginning to end.

"Well sweetheart you are the Avatar and you need to be trained."Chen explained but Xai shook her head and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Mommy you said the Avatar was going to be an Air nomad, I'm a firebender."Xai said which made Chen think about it as well, she was just as confused as Xai.

"Maybe it was a mistake darling but for now I need you to not firebend alright? We are no longer from the fire nation, we will travel so we can have different masters teach you about bending, alright?"Chen asked as she gave Xai a comforting smile, Xai nodded with a smile.

"Alright Avatar Xai, let's go."

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