One Shot :D

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This is dedicated to one of my favorite authors on wattpad knightsrachel this is my one shot for my her book Jefferson Lake. GO CHECK HER AND HER BOOK OUT. I chose to write this in Meckenna's POV since she is absolutely rad and I love her to hell and back (next to Lee xD)


I'm starting afresh, I'm starting afresh, I'm starting afresh.

I had to keep telling myself that as I slowly made my way through the campus which for now would be my new home.

Tallahassee, Florida which was far far away from my home, my real home. 1,000 miles to be exact.

I wasn't trying to say that Jefferson Lake wasn't a good place, it's students were friendly and they all had a welcoming aura which I really liked and compared to the other schools we'd seen this had been the best.

I was just afraid that perhaps I might not make the best first impression, that everyone wouldn't like me the way I seem to like them.

My roommate, Tracey was pretty nice and she seemed cool with having a new roommate which honestly I appreciated because hey she was one person who could maybe tolerate me. Although we hadn't talked just yet I really hoped we could be friends in the future.

At the moment all I could think of was how much I want to sleep and laze around when I had all this unpacking and work to do. My first day here and I was already being lazy.

Good job Meckenna, you're going to do great in life.

Pushing aside all the nasty thoughts I was getting at the moment, I picked up my camera and exited my dorm room as I headed towards the little green patch like area near the main gate of the school.

I needed a distraction from all these thoughts and this was it.

As I walked I noticed that the number of people who smiled and waved at me as I passed was huge. Everyone just seemed so friendly and open to new students that I'm sure they felt pretty welcome.

Jefferson Lake was absolutely beautiful and reminded me a lot my back yard at home. I hadn't seen most of Tallahassee and I didn't have the right to pin my opinion but I felt that I just had too.

Though there were quite few people hanging around this area it still felt warm and cozy. After a while they'd all left too, leaving me with the most familiar feeling:


Nothing but silence and I honestly didn't think it was possible for a school to be this quiet. I guess since everyone had cleared out possibly to go back to class and that it was just me, the sudden emptiness increased the silence.

For some reason after all this silence I still felt that there was someone here with me. My suspicions were proved right when I spotted a boy in the corner, his back pressed against a wall.

He didn't seem to be doing much and he hadn't spotted me yet but he was holding a pencil on his fingertips while there was a sketchbook on his lap so it was pretty obvious he was looking for something to sketch.

I wondered why he was still here.

His slightly long blonde hair which was due for a cut and bright blue eyes made him look absolutely angelic as he quietly sat there and sketched. He looked about my age, perhaps a year younger, I'm not all that sure.

I'm sure that if in these circumstances, if I had took a picture and printed it, I'd surely write that he'd in a way been the first person I'd actually met at Jefferson Lake.

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