Chapter Three

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"What did you do, Rebekah? Be honest with me, because I will ask him," Klaus said with gritted teeth.

"I got desperate," she started, sitting on her bed looking down at her hands in shame, "I compelled him to have feelings for me like a significant other. I thought it would be fine to compel myself a perfect boyfriend and it wouldn't harm anyone because you wouldn't kill him—"

"I killed Emil because he wanted immortality and not to have a relationship with you!" Klaus snapped, "Don't forget, he supported having slaves—one being Marcel who was his brother. How do you think Marcel's mother felt would've felt?" Klaus questioned. Rebekah winced knowing what Klaus was implying.

"I didn't go farther than kissing," she weakly defended.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Klaus snapped, "You were one of us that had more morals than the rest of us. Finn was spelled, Elijah had to deal with a doppelganger pull he has thankfully pulled away from, I had my curse affecting my head, and Kol had his temper from not having his magic. We've all lost ourselves because of the bloodlust and these emotions and we've had relations with plenty of people, but we have never once compelled someone to be in a relationship! And to find out you've done it with my son is never forgivable. I may be able to be mutual towards you, but know my trust with you is broken and I will never forget what you've done," Klaus then stormed out ignoring his crying sister. He passed his brothers who gave him some sort of confirmation that they would've reacted the same way.


Klaus eventually came back out, so did Rebekah but she sat further away. There was a knock that startled them. Klaus breathed in deep before his eyes widened and he opened the door. Outside, to the surprise of Elijah, was Jenna Sommers.

"I thought you were staying away from Mystic Falls?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, but Draven's boss brought the others here. Something about drama and ridding of a bitchy witchy," Jenna answered.

"What?" Elijah asked in confusion.

"What are we missing?" Kol asked.

"She is the doppelganger's aunt and was used as the vampire in the ritual," Elijah said.

"And she's alive?" Rebekah couldn't help but ask.

"I tried to break up with Alaric but that was when Klaus was in his body so he explained he knew some people who could get me out of Mystic Falls. I met Draven's friend Carter—physically older, but very handsome—then asked if I could be turned so I didn't have to worry about aging," Jenna explained.

"Who did you kill then?"

"Katerina," Klaus answered.

"Yay," the brothers cheered.

"One down, one more to go!" Kol cheered.

"By the way, can Carter put his horse in the back?" Jenna asked.

Klaus answered and they all heard hooves run around the house. "They're here, aren't they?" Klaus asked.

"You can't smell Draven?" as soon as Jenna asked that, Klaus was speeding out of the house and an older man, a tan skinned man, and a middle aged man all walked in.

The tan skinned man made his way to Finn, "Hello, I'm Robbie."

The middle aged man went to Elijah, "Johnny," he answered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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