Chapter 56 - It's okay to have fun and play. Just don't forget who the Faen is.

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Chapter 56 - It's okay to have fun and play. Just don't forget who the Faen is.

G: 😂🤪First meal in Bangkok huh? So you eating me alive first thing when you saw me didn't count then? 😎

G: 😂🤪First meal in Bangkok huh? So you eating me alive first thing when you saw me didn't count then? 😎

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M: 😆 Well it was tasty but I didn't get enough to last me so I needed physical food too. 😏

T: 🙄Really the first thing we talk about is you eating your favorite dessert? Mew we talked about this. If I am going to keep up this Charade, I need to feel more part of it. You stuffing your happy private times in my face does the opposite.😒

G: 🤯Wait what? I'm not liking this tone Khun Tul just what are you saying? Mew what does he mean you talked about this? Is this the result of your so called chat to him about the other day? 🤨

M: 😌Calm down Teerak, it's not what it sounds like. N'Tul what are you doing stirring up trouble first thing when you return to our chat? I told you, we can play on the feels a little but not like this. Not acting entitled and being jealous of my Faen. You said you were fine and were only getting into character. Well make sure you get out of character too. It's not healthy to stay in character 24/7 you should know this as an experienced actor. 😤

G: 🤨Character? What are we in a lakorn or series now? I know it's a show of sorts already but really you two, is it that hard to just be yourselves like before? Best bros, travel buddies new business partners etc? Are the shippers and media affecting you that much? 🤔

T: 😅Yes Nong. They are and despite every effort Mew and I make to share little things about us and our supposed status, those Waanjai of yours come and trample on everything with their full belief system along with tarot readings and the universes support of endless connections between you two. How am I supposed to compete with that? 😩

M: 😤Nong Enough. Why does it matter to you? Shippers believe in us anyway and continue calling Waanjais delusional and crazy. The media are convinced we are more than we admit and that Gulf and I have not spoken for years. So what's gotten into you?🤨

T: 😌Even if it's all for show Mew I don't want to fight destiny. You won't be getting married for another 2 years at least according to the fortune teller. Is that how long this show will go on for? I really don't think I can take it. 😬🥴

G: 🙅🏻‍♂️No P'Tul as soon as I can rid myself of any controlling contracts or restrictions this show will end. There is still a while to go but certainly not that long.😌

M: 🤨Tullie I don't understand you right now. After one couple job of giving Fan service you change your attitude like this. Are you being honest with me about your feelings? If continuing to do this is going to hurt you tell me now. We can change our plan easily since nothing is confirmed. We can focus on our joint business and ask the media to stop questioning us and just say we are business partners from now on. 🤝

T: 😔But if we do that, won't that cause a problem for you and not revealing your faen? If it's not me then Gulfie will be the first one considered again or antis will search like crazy for someone else in your life recently. Which will then get others involved in this mess without their consent. It's safer for me to continue carrying the burden of being your supposed Faen if someone has to. 🤝

Operation W - The show must go on.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora