Chapter 5: Knees touching is our love language they said Bestie

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Written on [16/01/2024 2:58 PM]

M: I knew the shippers would notice the knees in that pic. Tul why did you have to stick your leg out last minute like that? 😬Teerak, when you see it, don't pay any mind to what they are saying. It's not true. 🥺

T: Hey calm down it made you genuinely smile like that didn't it? It was good for the end result so convincing for our fans. Gulfie don't worry we are just bros nothing more. 🤝

M: I hope it calms down before he even sees it. He is asleep right now with me luckily. 😔

T: Ooo sounds cozy. Don't worry Mew after your last hint the strong ones who got the message should be ready to weather a storm like this. 😜

M: Oh I'm not worried about the fans they are strong but Gulf has been questioning a lot of things lately and some of our fans sound really convincing even I have to stop and remind myself what's really happening sometimes. 😵‍💫

T: I know Bro me too. I mean the way I exaggerated my admiration to you in the past sometimes I have to ask myself what I was thinking back then. 🤔Was it all a joke or just partly? We are such good actors sometimes we can get lost in our own lives. It happened a lot with me and Max. 🫤

M: Hmmm I know what you mean but let's be clear here, I have never seen you as more than a brother I really love okay. 😌🤝🤙

T: Ow rejected again for the millionth time. It hurts so much 😅😜

M: Khun 🤨

T: Okay okay just kidding. Yes I know that very well and I see you the same way Bro. besties for life. 💙🤙

M: Forever and always 💙🤙

G: Wow what's going on here what did I wake up to? 🤨🧐

T: Aw hey there Nong you're awake it's nothing just a bit of bromance nothing more. ✌️🫂

M: I was just making it clear that I will never see Tul as more than a beloved Brother and best friend to me right Bestie? 😌

T: Yeah that's it. Nothing to worry about Gulfie. 😌

G: Haha I'm not worried I was just teasing. You two are great friends and I respect that. But what pic are we talking about? 🤔

M: It's no big deal Teerak it's that pic of Tul and me in the leisure social photo shoot. I shared on Monday. They clearly didn't get the message I sent with my IG story and 'my bestie who refuses to get hurt'. 🙄😒

T: So that was about me? Why did you have to compare me to that cute girl Mew

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T: So that was about me? Why did you have to compare me to that cute girl Mew. I may be sensitive but I'm not that cute about it. When I put up barriers it's not a pretty sight to see. 🫣😣

M: Ohaee Ohaee Bestie you are cute when you do anything but not as cute as my Sunflower though. 😏

T: Yeah yeah I know I know. 🙄

G: Hmm but what was that business meeting on the boat about? It really does look like more than business was discussed. 🤨

T: Ouy Nong it was business but I have a lot of friends and connections who came thus why it looked a bit like that

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T: Ouy Nong it was business but I have a lot of friends and connections who came thus why it looked a bit like that. The picture we had together though, that was a business move to present as an imaginary couple it was the producers request in the words of 'just for fun' and since the shippers were going to react anyway we agreed. Right Broski? 😌

M: Hmmm Yes but my hand was on Tuls shoulder Teerak didn't you notice I never hold him like I hold you. My hand only belongs in the small of your back no one else. 🥺😚

Gulf is typing....

T: Cough Cough help help I'm drowning in this fountain of fondue again. 😅😅

G: 😁 yes I noticed Teerak. So what does this producer friend of yours actually want then? Are you two going to be in a Y series together? 🤔

M: No! Never! 😵🙅‍♂️

T: What! No! 😵🙅‍♂️

G: Wow you know you didn't seem so against this image in your photo shoots and you know if it was ever a possibility I would understand Mew. We are all actors after all. 😲😌

Mew is typing... 

T: Nong your cute and all but no, unlike other friends in the industry who end up acting as couples, it just wouldn't work for us. It would ruin things between us I know it. Let's just say that I don't trust myself to not be affected. Mew might be fine but me, unlike him I don't have a partner in real life to return home to right now and No Maxi isn't it either. He is still finding himself as a Bi. 😅🙅‍♂️

M: Yai Nong as much as I appreciate the freedom you have given me recently I don't want it. This Korean Y series will be the last one for me unless I am partnered with you from now on. It's not that being with another man is different to a woman but the fans ship less when it's not another man. So I prefer less drama in our future. 😏

G: Well we'll have to make sure we do more Y series together then in the future and then our fan service really will be something. I will definitely not hold back from showing the world you are mine when the time comes 🤪😎🌚

M: Grrrr oh you bet especially if we get to do an Omegaverse series then we can show them how wild we can get or maybe forever love in shades of grey would suit us better right Pet? 🔥🤤

G: Ahhh have mercy on me Master Daddy, I've still got work to do. Wait till I come home. ❤️‍🔥🤤

T: 😳😵‍💫😵 Yeah this is getting too much. I am not at home either and you two are turning me on here. Please stop.

M: TMI Tul OMG why would you tell us that. We were only teasing right Teerak? 😜

G: For the most part. Anyway it's good to know someone would enjoy a future Y series like that from us. 😂🤣😜

T: Yeah Yeah go ahead laugh, but you know I was a Waanjai Captain from the beginning and Fans can't get enough of you two together for a reason. I'm still waiting for that Japanese Onsen Video Call. 😌

M: Hmm we know one day Bro one day. 😌

G: Boo I'm still tired can we go back to sleep now? 🥱😴

T: I thought you said you weren't home Gulf?

M: He was only saying that to keep up the tease don't you remember I told you earlier he was here with me asleep. I'll leave you to it Bro we're gonna go now my Teerak needs me. We need to make the most of our time together before our schedules get busy again. 😌😍🫂

T: I hear you loud and clear Brother. Happy Cuddling 🫂🤙

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