Arcane Family

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Description: Mirabel's "real" family dropped the ball on raising her - but thankfully, a trio of powerful wizards are more than happy to pick up the pieces. Join Mirabel and her new family, the Arcane Order, as they navigate trials and tribulations and bond as a family!

Mirabel's New Family:

Bellroc (Parent)

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Skrael (Big Brother)

Skrael (Big Brother)

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Nari (Big Sister)

Mirabel's Magic: Water manipulation and summoning, kraken tentacles that come out of her arms, water breathing

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Mirabel's Magic: Water manipulation and summoning, kraken tentacles that come out of her arms, water breathing

One-shot for inspiration:

Alma Madrigal smiled as the proposal dinner went along. Soon, Mariano and Isabella would be married and produce a whole new generation of magical children (not like her, her mind whispered). The perfect couple. Just like her and Pedro.

But all of a sudden, the sound of Casita's doors slamming open rang through the house and the air seemed to drop in temperature. "Pepa?" Alma asked. "Not me" Pepa replied, her voice shaking from the cold.

"No, that would be us" a voice whispered, soft and yet threatening. Alma shivered, whether from cold or fear she couldn't tell, and said, "Whoever you are, you have no business here. Leave now or face the consequences."

"So soon?" a new voice, lilting and almost child-like, said, "But we just got here!"

And with that, the owners of the voices stepped into view - a man with blue skin, clad in black robes and wearing a skull with long horns atop his head, and a young woman with green and pale skin and wearing a green outfit that looked to be made from leaves, with green hair adorned with flowers and small antlers coming from her skull.

Along with them came two others - a figure that Alma couldn't identify the gender of, wearing the skull of a strange creature, that looked to be patched together, as well as a mane of black feathers around their neck and (strangest of all) a body that looked to have a monstrous face adorning it.

The last figure on the other hand...

"Mirabel?" Alma asked fearfully.

It was indeed the Giftless Madrigal, but now clad in a long, flowing blue dress with wave and tentacle designs all over it and atop her head was a crown shaped like a set of octopus tentacles that seemed to reach for the sky. She looked at the Madrigals with an expression of pure contempt - but not hatred.

It was almost as if Mirabel was saying, indirectly, "You're not worth my time."

"Hello Madrigal family" Mirabel said in a cold, neutral tone, "It's been some time." "What are you doing here?" Isabella cut in, her voice indignant and aggressive. "You're interrupting my proposal you little brat!"

The skull-helmeted figure finally spoke, in a disjointed voice that went from feminine to masculine as it said, "We thought that we'd drop in and see how you all are doing after all this time. Seems as though you're still letting an old woman decide everything for you and trying to "earn" that pathetic little lump of wax over there."

Alma looked down at the Candle and was shocked to see that, for the first time since she'd ever seen it, the Candle was flickering and dimming - as if it was afraid of the mere presence of these figures.

For the first time in a long time, Alma realised...

The Miracle can't protect us. Not from this.

Notes: If anyone does end up writing this, first of all make sure you credit me. Second, it should be primarily about Mirabel bonding with her new family - things like learning magic with Bellroc, going on walks in nature with Nari, ice-skating with Skrael, etc.

And finally, its up to you if you want the Arcane Order to still be villains, but I think it works better for this story if they aren't as evil as they are in canon.

Okay, now to explain why I haven't been updating recently. Honestly, I have no excuse other than the fact that I've had writer's block for the last little while and I haven't been as motivated to write anymore. But I promise, more stories are coming. For example, with the recent announcement for the rest of season two of Helluva Boss, I've been inspired to write something I've been meaning to for a long time...

Hope you're ready for Owl House: Luzura Morningstar, coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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