Twenty-Eight || Training

Start from the beginning

"(Name)..." Once he heard your voice and felt your warmth, he did nothing but weakly grinned. He wouldn't lie; he swore he felt his eyes becoming somewhat watery.

You didn't give a damn what was going on around you.

He was alright!

Thank goodness, he was alright.

Even though you knew he would be okay, seeing him right now eased you from all your concerns.

"You broke out of there all by yourself." Kaseki laughed, "Way to go, boy!"

"I'm impressed you knew how to find our camp so easily." Kohaku beamed, glad to have her best friend back at her side.

"Honestly I didn't know where the hell it was." Chrome raised both hands in surrender, "I just went in the direction that I saw Suika go when she was scouting. I hope you'll be able to see me with the telescope."

"Another excellent job by the Great Detective Suika-sama." Gen gave the little girl's head a gentle pat, "But, I'm curious. How did you manage to break through the cell bars?"

"Who cares about that! He's homee!" You dramatically sobbed, smacking Chrome's back several times until he lost his balance.

"Dude, stop!" He chuckled a little, glad that he was finally able to feel you smack the crap out of him once more, "I made that melty-chemical stuff with some salt water and a battery to escape. Sodium Hydroxide, right?"

Just as everyone was about to give him admiration, Senku cut off their excitement with yet another scientific explanation.

"Um, actually it's Sodium Hypochlorite." He gave Chrome a deadpan expression, much like a nerd, "You're close but that's what you must've made in there instead since you didn't have any kind of membrane in the salt water. It's what folks in my day called 'Bleach'."

"Powers up your cleaning!" Gen chimed in excitedly, which made both you and him cackle.

"It's a perfectly useful base." You added, "Great idea to use it too. It melted right through all the cellulose and the weeds used to make rope. Can't think of a better way to break out of a bamboo prison."

"Kukuku! While you were doing all that, we were using an alkaline solution to melt down cellulose for making paper." Senku informed.

"Hah! That's amazing!" Kohaku snickered, "So you three were basically using the same type of science."

Yet when Ruri got a closer look at Chrome, her expression changed to one of slight concern. Yes, she was delighted that her crush was back, but she also noticed something, "Hey, Chrome? You're bleeding."

In less than a second, Chrome unexpectedly dropped to his knees and coughed up a thick, crimson liquid. It dripped down his chin and onto the ground, bringing Ruri rushing worriedly by his side.

"Oh, no." Ruri's eyes widened with fear, "No... T-That's like what happened to me."

"Poor Chrome must've got Pneumonia while he was in there!" Suika shouted out.

"The fuck. No, he doesn't." Your once happy face twisted into a scowl.

Senku crouched to examine the blood curiously. After a brief pause, he unexpectedly let out an amused laugh, "Did you really use fake blood to make those guys stop chasing you?"

"HAHAHA! You bet!" Chrome replied haughtily, "I knew you two would understand. Chew up some sorrel and mix in a little shiso, boom! Fake blood."

"Kukuku, that's awesome!" Senku nodded, acknowledging the young scientist's clever plan, "Of course shisho turns red due to the mixture of oxalic acid from sorrel."

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