01 | prologue

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making the bed ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 prologue

"another perfect moment that doesn't feel like mine"

junior year at hopkins mn

"yes, thank you so much! ill be seeing you soon!" i said while my smile is gleaming and i'm not able to hold back my eagerness. i hung up the phone squealing in excitement. i shot up from my bed and ran out of my room and threw my sisters door open. lexi is sitting on her bed likely scrolling through social media fully immersed. she doesn't even flinch when i open her door as its a common theme.

"lexi! i squealed and ran to jump on her bed wrapping my arms around her waist. lexi's my younger sister who i absolutely adore. i'm gonna miss her so much when i have to move. "cassidy!" the girl slightly giggling while seeing my apparent eagerness. "what's got you in a mood?" i raise my head and unravel my arms around her wanting to sit up for the important news. "guess what?! i just committed to minnesota!!" i cant even hide my excitement wanting to basically tell everyone the news. "what?! that's amazing! i cant believe it" her eyes lighting up with the news. "you've wanted to go there forever. have you told anybody else?" she gave me that look like she knows i have to tell a certain someone. "no lexi i just found out! don't worry ill tell her."

summer before senior year

i'm sitting on paige's bed while she's taking a shower. my stomach in knots while i'm trying to distract myself on my phone. i'm scrolling on instagram while i see a post pop up about paige's commit to uconn. this is my second time seeing it and its like its haunting me every time i try to forget about it. i still haven't told paige where i committed. i was gonna tell her then i saw she committed to uconn and my heart shattered. i already searched how far apart they are. its 20 hours. what am i gonna do. as i'm sitting there staring at the post my mind in a different place the bathroom door opens and i flinch. my eyes shooting up off my phone and i see paige standing there walking over to her dresser to grab clothes. i know i'm staring its hard not to. paige's hair is down and wet while she's in a sports bra and shorts. cassidy what are you even thinking right now. with that thought i go back to my phone immediately closing instagram.

"you alright?" i hear and my eyes travel back over to paige. i'm observing paige again before i snap out of it. "why wouldn't i be?" i choked out my voice basically giving myself away. "cassidy? what's wrong." paige asked me while i can see her face immediately change with worry. "when were you gonna tell me?" my eyes slightly leaving paige and looking at the floor while i wait for her response. "tell you what?" paige said while walking towards me on her bed. i sit there not responding back in my own world. "cassidy look at me" my eyes fighting my own mind as i look back at her. "i cant read your mind you gotta tell me what you're talking about." paige trying to comfort me in my state while also trying to get answers. "you committed to uconn?" i muttered keeping my eye contact. silence. silence. its like my heart broke again waiting and waiting for her response. "uh yeah i did just a few days ago." she speedily spit out her words. "why didn't you tell me?" i questioned trying to keep my pep in my voice but i know myself and the tears are gonna start soon. "i was going to i promise. i just told my parents not too long ago. i thought you'd be happy for me." paige mumbled the last part her eyes still staring at me. "i am." i quickly add.

i'm a hypocrite i know. i should've told paige maybe she would've stayed close. no cassidy, paige needs to go where she's gonna be happy. what about me though? will she miss me? will she talk to me? will she leave me in the dust for her new cool uconn friends? my heart is racing and my breathing is picking up by the second. why didn't i tell her? i'm so stupid. "cassidy." i hear while i feel a hand gently rest on mine while i feel the bed indent. my eyes locked on the bed. "cas." i hear again my brain finally picking up on the noise from paige. "huh?" i quickly look back at paige. "cas what's wrong?" paige asks and i can hear the concern in her voice. i feel her fingers lightly graze over mine in a comforting way but at the same time i wish i could run away from her. "um. paige i'm staying in minnesota." i spit out my voice cracking halfway through and i wish it didn't. i hate being vulnerable. i should've never brought this up. "so? we knew we weren't gonna go to the same place. were picking our sports and that's okay. we can talk everyday." she comforted my hand in hers. "promise?" i gulped out. "promise." paige beams at me.

making the bed ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now