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"Black's here to kill us."

Anyway, so Harry and I were escorted to a small space with a bed where the conductor laid our luggage. He quickly tore a slip which I assumed was a ticket, handing it to us.
"Alright take it away." The conductor shouted, "This is going to be a bumpy ride!" The driver shouted back before I toppled onto the bed, quickly holding the steel handle.

"What did you say your name was again?" The conductor asked, "I didn't." I rolled my eyes, "Y/n. That's my brother, Harry." There was a reason I didn't mention 'potter'. "Uhm, we have to reach the Leaky Cauldron." Harry said to the conductor. "Do you hear that, the Leaky Cauldron." The conductor mocked to the driver as I scoffed. "Can't the muggles see us?" I asked, "The muggles? They don't see nothing. The Knight Bus is invisible to all those who aren't witches and wizards." I nodded my head as he said that. Smart.

After a few minutes, the bus took a sharp turn as Harry banged his face in the window. "Oh. Ouch." I winced before looking out. An old woman was crossing the street. "10, 9, 8, 7," they counted, waiting for her to pass and as soon as she did, they quickened the pace again- causing me to bang my head this time. "Oh. Ouch." Harry mocked as I rolled my eyes. "Shut up." I said.

Harry looked ahead at the newspaper in the conductors hands. There was a man on the front page with the headline 'Escape from Azkaban'. "Who's that?" Harry asked before the conductor turned to view the page. "Who is that..?" He muttered, "Who is that?" He spoke again, a little louder this time. "That is Sirius Black. Don't tell me you've never heard of Sirius Black." He said as Harry and I looked over at him with a confused expression. "He's a murderer." The conductor emphasised as he leaned in closer. "Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it."
"How'd he escape?" I asked, "Well that the question, isn't it? He's the first one who's done it. You know, he was a supporter of.. you-know-who." The conductor said as shivers ran down my spine at the mere mention of Voldemort. "Bet you've heard of him?" He asked the two of us. "Yeah." Harry sighed.

We rode a bit more before Harry banged his head again as I let out a laugh. "Don't say it." Harry warned as I shrugged innocently, "The Leaky Cauldron." The conductor said, throwing our luggage out.
"Ah, The Potters! Come in." A man- a creepy man smiled with his back arched abnormally.
We walked into the place as the man lead us up to our room. "Nicole!" I sighed out of relief as I saw her trying to attack Harry's bird in our room- and the Minister of Magic.

The man sat us down, offering peanuts and cashews and since I was distracted, I couldn't hear much of what he said- just that 'Accidental magic compartment' has dismissed our accidental magic. "Uhm, minister? I don't understand." Harry spoke. "Understand what?" The Minister asked, "We broke the law.. shouldn't we be in Azkaban?" He asked again. "Oh, come on, now, Harry! We don't send children to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts." The Minster said, causing the man to let out a derailing laugh before the Minister gave him a look to quiet down. "On the other hand, running away like that was very, very irresponsible." He said. "Yes, Minister. We're aware- and sorry." I replied. "We have a killer on the loose, Ms. Potter." He spoke again, "Sirius Black. I'm aware- wait, what's he got to do with us?" I furrowed my brows before the Minster cleared his throat. "Oh, nothing! You're safe, and that's what matters. And tomorrow, you'll be on the train back to Hogwarts." He answered, letting out fake, sweaty nervous laughs. "Oh, and these are your new school books." He said, pointing to the 2 piles of books. "Now, I'll let you be dismissed to your room." The minister said to the man who then dragged Harry away as I quickly followed with Hedwig and Nicole.

Diary of Y/n Potter
31st August 1993
Right, so Harry and I have been thrown out of the Dursley's house— don't ask. If Harry kept his mouth shut, perhaps we'd be able to have lived there another 5 years. But now, we're at some great, ugly motel- which, by the way is the exact place if you don't want to sleep at all because of all the commotion outside. Honestly, they should soundproof this place.
Anyway, I'll write a bit more later. Harry's hiding from his monster book.

"Harry, will you calm down? You've just made her angry." I sighed, grabbing my monster book as I stroked its spine, allowing it to open. "How did you know how to do that!?" He huffed loudly, "it's on the instructions page on the manual." I chuckled, shaking my head as I threw a shoe down at his monster book before closing it.

Harry and I changed into a new pair of clothes before leaving the room. "I'm hungry." He muttered as we walked downstairs, "I could take a cup of coffee." I sighed before I saw a cat chasing a rat. Well, that's something.
"Your cat keeps chasing my rat!" I heard mumbled voices, "She's a cat, Ronald. What more do you expect? That's his nature."
"You call that a cat? That's what it told you? Looks more like a furry penguin if you ask me." I rolled my eyes, Weasley's voice not getting more clearer. "That's rude!" I heard Granger squeak out. They argued for a while more before Weasley's gaze landed on me. "Potter." He muttered before seeing Harry. "Harry!" He said as his facial expressions changed. Hermione turned around to see us too, "Harry, Y/n." She said.

We all sat down on a small table as I sat next to Hermione, playing with her cat while Weasley blabbered on about his family visiting Egypt. "You know, Weasley, Egyptians used to worship cats." I said while still looking at Hermiones cat;Crookshanks. "Yeah? Along with a dung beetle." He said whilst Hermione scoffed. "Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?" I heard as one of the Weasley twins came into view. I can never distinguish. "I haven't shown anyone." Weasley sighed, "No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom." I stopped listening as they began talking about some random stuff.

"Y/n! Harry!" Mrs. Weasley said, opening her arms for a hug as I leaned in to do so. "Mrs. Weasley!" I smiled, "Great to see you, dear." She said, ruffling Harry's hair and caressing my cheek. "Good to see you too." I chuckled, "Got everything you need?" She asked as I responded with a yes. "The Potter Twins." Arthur Weasley said, "Hello, Mr. Weasley." I responded as he shook our hands, "Harry, a word?" He said before taking Harry along with him. I turned around to see Hermione at the bar, waiting for her drink as I went up to her.

"Hey, Hermione." I sighed as she looked up at me. "Y/n, hi." She muttered, "I'm sorry, I really am about what happened last year." I blurted out, the friends would've probably murdered me if they found out I was apologising to a mudblood. "That's alright, Y/n. I know you wouldn't do that." She smiled softly. "Thank you, Hermione." I sighed out of relief.

Once Harry had come back, he called me over. "Black's here to kill us." He blurted out silently.
"Ah." Well, what a delightful 'nother year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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