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"Where are you taking me?" I rolled my eyes, shooting them over to Pansy who had been dragging me around the castle for the past 20 minutes. "Hush up, Y/n!" She giggled, finally coming to a stop in the courtyard. I could see Hermione and Weasley chatting on a bench in the distance before the Slytherin quidditch team walked out, followed by the Gryffindors. This was going to be fun. "What're you doing, Flint?" I heard Wood; the Gryffindor Quidditch captain say, "Quidditch practice." Marcus Flint, 5th year replied. "I've booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." Wood sighed. "Easy Wood, I've got a note." Flint scoffed, extending his arm which carried a small white piece of folded paper. Wood took it from his hands, opening it as he read out loud; "I, Professor Severus Snape grant Slytherin the permission to train on the pitch today to train their new seeker- you've got a new seeker?" He said boringly just as Hermione and Weasley came up beside us. "Who?" He spoke again before a familiar blonde stepped out. Of course.  "Malfoy." I heard Harry scoff in disbelief, "That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." He boasted, flexing his new broomstick. "Those are Nimbus 2002's!" Weasley gasped, "How did you get those!?" He asked, his mouth gawking as he looked back at the Slytherin team. "Gift from Draco's father." One of the replied. "See Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." I hit his shoulder as he said that, causing him to glance back at me in a cocky way. "Atleast no one on the Gryffindor team, had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent." Hermione bobbed her head. Did she really tell me that my house had no talent? I scoffed, "No one asked for your opinion-" well of course I wasn't going to say 'mudblood' but apparently Draco was. "You filthy mudblood." He spat. I stared back at Draco who looked back at me as if he was proud of me. This little geek. "You'll pay for that one, Potter." Me? Is he deaf or what!? "Eat slugs!" He shouted, extending his wand but instead falling on his back a few feet behind. The Gryffindors ran after Weasley as the Slytherins and Pansy alongside me laughed. "There's the real Slytherin in you, Y/n." I felt Pansy's nudge on my shoulder. Except, I didn't want to be a Slytherin.
Weasley soon started puking out the same slugs he meant for me to do before Harry and Hermione took him away from here.

"So, you're not the weak Gryffindor I expected you to be, Y/n." Draco snickered, running beside me as they finished practise. "Shut up, Malfoy. I didn't say 'mudblood', now you've made it look like I meant it." I huffed, speeding up my pace. "What's the problem? You're a Slytherin, wouldn't hurt you to act like it, would it?" He scrunched up his nose, fastening his pace too. "Yes, Malfoy. That's not who I am." I stopped, staring up at him. "Apparently not, yeah?" He scoffed, "this is who you are, Y/n. Better get used to it." He said before walking off with his team and Daphne.
Was this really who I was now? A Slytherin? I mean I thought it'd been a mistake— I sighed, walking back to my next class as Pansy caught up to me, ranting about how good some Cormac McGlaggen looked.

sorry guys this is just a filler chapter, really quick and short. I js wanted to show how Y/n's gonna be changing over this year because I want her to be a slytherin, and we all know how mean and cunning they are. So this is how she's gonna be now.

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