Chapter 11

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"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Ryu hits his head multiple times before storming back to Grace's house. He bangs on the door, the side of his hand throbbing.
"Grace, I know you can hear me! If you say one fucking word about anything, I'll tell the whole fucking school you tried to rape Erin Fearce! And I'll make sure they believe me!" Ryu walks away from the door and down the sidewalk.

"Fuck you, Erin! Fuck you, Grace! Fuck you!" Ryu screams. Adults across the neighborhood glance over at him before ushering their kids inside. Ryu ignores them all and pulls out his phone, aggressively unlocking it. Shit, Mom's at work... He lowers his phone and looks around.

"Guess I'm walking..." Ryu sighs and begins walking. The kids in the street look and stare at him as he walks by. It's like the first day of school again. Ryu stops and notices an old razor scooter on the side of the road. He slowly grins and grabs the scooter, making it as tall as possible. He quickly gets on and starts pushing himself home.

After a lot of minutes and a lot of walking breaks, Ryu arrives home. He throws the scooter in his family's trash and walks up his front steps.
Ryu opens the front door and walks in. He slides off his shoes and walks into the living room. Taking a deep breath, he sits down on the couch. He takes off his glasses and rubs his face.

"What am I going to do?" he sighs. Ryu never thought he would have a friendship with Erin, so figuring out how to win him back was not on his bingo card for this year. He pulled out his phone and went to send Erin a text on Snapchat.

Erin I'm so sorry
Please just call me

Ryu sat in his living room, bouncing his leg up and down and waiting for a response. He ended up sitting there for an hour.

"I fucked up." Ryu stands and quickly goes to his room. He walks in and kicks something. Looking down, he sees Erin's shirt lying on the floor. And he still has my shirt. He bends down and slowly picks the shirt up off the floor.

"Why didn't I just tell him. Amy. I need to tell Amy." He throws the shirt on his bed and runs out of his room and into his garage. Ryu rummages through his garage to find his bike. He hadn't gotten it out since they moved here. Let's hope I don't break an arm. He gets on the bike and starts riding it out his neighborhood. Ryu bikes to Amy's house and knocks on her door. He stands there for a moment with no reply before knocking again. Damnit, I guess they're out. Ryu sighs and starts walking to the sidewalk. His head is spinning on thoughts of what to do and what he needed to say to Erin. He grabbed his bike and started walking home, the feeling of guilt and dread filling his stomach. He walks and walks, looking down at his feet without caring where he wandered. After walking around for about an hour, he finds himself back at home. He throws his bike in the front yard, not caring enough to put it away. It's around 2 as he arrives home. He walks into his house and goes upstairs. He sits on his bed and looks at his pillow with the thought of Erin shoving his face into it. He smiles, taking the pillow and setting it on his lap. He leans on it and sighs.

"I'm starting to like you... And now you hate me," Ryu mumbles. Throwing himself backwards for his bed to catch him, he looks to the ceiling for guidance. Help me O' mighty ceiling! He stares with no thoughts coming to mind. Cooked.
He rolls over and pushes himself off his bed, plopping down at his desk. He gets out his sketchbook and opens it to a blank page. He taps his pencil against the paper before beginning to draw. He let his pencil glide across the page, not looking at the whole piece. Why do I care so much? This is what I wanted.. he thought with a frown. Once he feels he is done, he takes his pencil away and sits back in his chair. He stares at the paper and chuckles.

"Did I really?" He tilts his head before shaking it.
He lifts the paper and turns it. Among the scribbles and lines was the face of Erin Fearce. Fuck you...  he thinks with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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