Clockwork (Cp)

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Okay, I've decided that the first chapter is going to be a carried over request from my other book (rip). Welcome to the official start of the new book, enjoy.


   I hear the birds. I shouldn't hear any birds, I live in a busy city which is the opposite of a bird's habitat. But I can hear them, clear as day. I can't see, I haven't opened my eyes yet but something is very wrong. 

   There's nothing but trees everywhere I look. Where am I? Why am I here? How did I get here? I hear the birds but all I see are trees. I get up, slowly as I feel slightly off-balance. Walking around helps not one bit, as it's just trees everywhere. 

   I walk around for hours, taking breaks and doing everything I can to try and remember how I got here or trying to figure out how I'm going to get out. I guess I was never meant to escape, as I begin to hear faint sounds of static, as well as the occasional rustle of the bushes I tried brushing off as just the wild critters. I knew they weren't critters, I hadn't heard any animals since the birds at the start of my walk.

   Once the sun had fully set they pounced, I was knocked unconscious before I knew what had hit me. I woke up with every  muscle aching. This was the second time in a row I had awoken in an unknown and unfamiliar location. This time though, there was no light to see where I was. I'm truly trapped in pitch darkness and by this point it's been hours since I last ate, I can feel my energy store running dry.

   I lay for what feels like hours. Eventually there's a sound of static but I can't locate where it comes from, and eventually I determine it's likely in my head and I'm probably just going insane. After all, there are no devices in here to be making such a noise, so clearly it can't be there.

   Wrong I was. The sound was indeed in my head, but not because I'm insane but because it wants it to be. It knows that a noise like that can drive people mad, I'm sure it has done this countless times. But if I'm going down I'm going down mentally sound.

   It stands in the corner, the room is dark but I can feel it looming over me. Faceless, tall as the trees I awoke to likely hours before this. Is it watching me? It can't be right, since it's faceless? But why else would it be here. To end me perhaps, or maybe just to toy with me until I lose it, then it'll kill me.

   I lose track of time, I eventually stop paying any mind to the figure in the corner. If it wants me dead it'll kill me, there's nothing I can do to stop it anyways. I eventually lost track of if I was awake or drifting into an unconscious state. But then a door opened somewhere, and there was light in the room. I heard footsteps, there were several pairs of steps and they seemed to be walking down stairs as their steps sounded higher at first and gradually got closer to ground level. 

   Then there were voices. Hushed voices but voices. I haven't heard voices in what felt like forever. They all sounded monotone. There were 3 by the sound of it, and they were getting closer. One of them turned on a switch and the room lit up. I was sitting on a marble floor in the middle of an empty room. Empty excluding the scattered corpses, the figure in the corner that hadn't left yet and the 3 new characters. 

   One wore what looked like a Link costume, he looked like a young boy, one looked to be a little girl in a dress, bleeding from unseen wounds, and the last would have passed as an ordinary teen girl had it not been for the small clock that replaced one of her eyes. I'm the only living victim in the room. I watch their every move, trying to figure out how I'll meet my end and who will do it.

    Suddenly the static gets worse, and before I know it it's unbearable. My vision goes blurry as I try to fight it, I see the figures move closer but then everything goes dark.

    There are voices. I can't make out what they're saying but I can clearly distinguish each one. There's one missing though, the voices keep pausing and then talking as if someone spoke but there was no voice. I have to assume that it was the one talking, as it seems to use some form of telepathy.

    I continue to fade in and out of consciousness for a while, before fully waking in what looks to be an average bedroom. I slowly get up, so as to not lose my balance. I haven't been able to walk around in a while.
    I decide to take my chances by leaving the room. If there's still people here that want me dead I'd likely be dead by now. I exit into a hallway, one that looks identical on both sides. I choose to go left, figuring if I'm going to get lost I'll just treat it like a maze.

    At some point I find some stairs that I go down. At this point I smell food, and I'm starving so I naturally follow it as best as I can. I eventually find myself facing the kitchen, through the doorless arch I see a group. Some of them look like they are or once were human, while others are just something out of a horror story. Before I can make another move or even think about what I should do I feel a figure approaching me from behind. 

    It's the girl from before, the one with the clock for an eye. It's a lot more difficult to stay calm when I'm surrounded. I try not to react when she gets closer, but I eventually start backing away from her and the kitchen once she starts getting too close. 

    She stops heading towards me and tells me they aren't going to hurt me. I don't believe her, but I don't see a way to get out of here so I'll have to hope it's true. They invite me to join them for breakfast, but I tell them I'm not hungry. It's a little difficult to have an appetite when surrounded by homicidal strangers. I decide to sit and join them though, hoping to make my stay here less awkward by at least trying to socialize.


Okay y'all, I'm gonna make another part of this, but this alone took me a couple days- mostly because I forgot about it but still. I just want to get something there so this book can be officially started.

  Luv ya, see ya next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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