Team Black Vs Team Green

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At Dragonstone 

No one POV

Rhaenrya and Jace stood next to each other with Joffrey in front of her as they looked upon a fire and they looked at two different clothings, one was red  and black and one was blue and black. 

(Rhaenrya Voiceover: My father chose me, his firstborn child to succeed him, he held to this decision until death.) 

In the dining table, Rhaenrya sat at the head of it and said "And yet Alicent's son sits my throne, My son Lucerys is dead, and my only surviving daughter, is trapped with those treasonous greens. I mean to fight this war and win it." 

Daemon looked over and smirked. 

At the Dragonpit in King's Landing. Silverwing was chained down and Silverwing kept roaring and looked up, trying to escape the chains. 

In the small council room, A maid walked in and Alicent looked at Aemond and then back at the maid. 

Aegon said"Has the little brat woken up yet?" and the maid said "No, she is still unconscious, your Grace." 

In the sky, Silverwing was flying away, with Elaena , riding her. Elaena turned around to see Vhaegar approaching them, and hitting with fire. 

On the beach, Elaena kept running down, and then she was brought down and kept fighting, and then kept kicking at him, but suddenly she got a headache. 

Elaena said "No no no no." 

In a room, In King's Landing

Elaena groaned as she started to wake up and Dyana said "Thank the Gods, Princess, Princess." 

Elaena looked up and kept groaning and said"Oh, what?" and she stopped as she looked around the room.

She recognized the room, and thought back. But suddenly she was hit with memories, and Elaena said "No no no no no. No no." 

Another maid grabbed her and said 'inform the King" and Elaena said "Get off me. Let me go, Let me go." 

In the second level of the dungeons, Elaena kept having dreams, she was walking down the hallway and gasped as she saw Sunfyre, and then kept seeing Jace's dead body, Elaena cried out. 

In the second level of the dungeons, Elaena was moving around her food and Alicent said "I know this is hard to believe but this is what your grandfather wanted." 

Elaena said "Blood will spill, innocent blood will spill again and again, and again" and Alicent said "Elaena, sweet girl, I understand it must be difficult in here, but you must not allow madness to win." 

Elaena looked up and said "Your a traitor, I don't want to know your excuses, my mother won't want to be." 

Alicent said "Your mother only wants vengeance." 

Elaena scoffed and said "Your a hypocrite, My brother is dead" and Alicent said "It was an accident." 

Elaena said "An accident, so Vhaegar accidentally ate my brother, please, only an idiot would go after someone with one of the oldest and most powerful dragons in the world, if they didn't mean to kill him, so are you saying your son is an idiot." 

Alicent said "He was acting in self defence" and Elaena said "Self defense, My brother left the Storm Lands he was a messanger, You are cursed, Usurper, congratulations on your parenting, raising usurpers and kinslayers, you must really be proud, the only person I feel bad for is Helaena, she's a good person." 

At Winterfell, Jace walked with Cregan Stark and Jace said "The realm would soon tear itself apart if men cannot remember the oaths they swore to Viserys and his chosen heir." 

By a ship, Corlys said "The Hightowers are marching, you must crush this beast at it's head."

At the Second Level of the Dungeons, Elaena was whispering "Dragon against dragon, sea will hit, the one eyed will leave, and the Blacks will take it, Blood,heads will fall."

The door opened and the guard said "Princess, you have visitors." 

Elaena kept whispering and muttering to herself, the guard said "Prince Aemond, and his grace, King Aegon, Second of his name." 

Aegon walked inside with Aemond and Elaena looked up, not sitting up and the Guard said "King of the Andals and the first men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the realm." 

Elaena said "Technically, six, Dorne is not a part of the Seven Kingdoms, but your not a king either so."

Aegon said "Says the bastard who's also mad, or your not a bastard, perhaps that hair of yours can throw people off, you know , Aemond, you said she had grown mad, but I thought that would be a good rumour, you know what they call you now." 

Elaena said "Mad Elaena, Elaena the Mad, I'm aware, your kinslayer of a brother says when he tries and fails to scare me." 

Aegon smiled and he grabbed Elaena by the chin and said "Watch your tongue, after all some lessons will have to be taught, your mother took somehting from me, maybe I should take something from her." 

Elaena said "You can blame your brother for that." 

Aegon slapped Elaena and Elaena laughed and said "You think I fear you, I don't." 

Aemond said "I wouldn't do that, brother, after all what can one mad little girl do, this could help you, after all it could show how cruel Rhaenrya is, while you are taking care of your niece who seems to not be well in the mind." 

Elaena scoffed. 

Aegon said "Yes, brother that is a good point, that is why your here, Ellie isn't it, your just not well enough to go back out there. Eventually when you become a bit more obedient, then you can go back out. Perhaps if you accept me as the King, what better than Rhaenrya's own daughter." 

Elaena glared at him and said "Never going to happen." 

Another day, Elaena kept looking at the food and Aemond looked over and said "Eat up, niece, nicely or well you remember what happened last time , don't you." 

Elaena ate the food and Aemond said "I'll tell you what, My uncle is a challenge I welcome if he dares face me. And after I do that, perhaps I might bring you his head." 

Elaena looked over at him and said "Or maybe he'll give me yours." 

Aemond looked at her and Elaena said "That's more likely, and the fact that you think you can defeat him  is well which of us is mad again?". 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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