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  Zhenya and Caesar stood before their father, who was sitting on a throne.

The demon king looking at both his sons with cold eyes.

"I have summoned both of you here today because one of you have to take the thrown for at least a decade. I need some rest"

He wasn't getting any younger, he's ruled hell for centuries and right now he sure needed a break for a short while.

The demon king wasn't going to give up his thrown to his children now, not because Zhenya and Caesar would fight for it but he was too greedy.

Just kidding they'd definitely fight for it and yeah he was greedy

Though he's already thought about who he would give up the thrown to.

'Zhenya is a crazy idiot but quite cunning while Caesar is quiet but very aggressively protective when it comes to his own things.'

Caesar probably had more of his father's personality traits but Caesar wasn't really temperamental unlike him

While there's Zhenya the child is just careless, nonchalant but cunning and in all he's smart when it comes to business but so is his brother.

The demon king sighed.

He knew both his sons wanted the throne but they were both born on the same day

Caesar's mother should've given birth to him at nine months but she carried him for eleven months.

Zhenya was birthed at the normal nine months but the two blonds were born the same day and time.
But unfortunately Zhenya was 15seconds earlier than Caesar

Making Zhenya the heir to the throne

It gave the king a headache because he knew they both wanted the throne especially Caesar.

"Who's up for it" the demon king asked his sons who glanced at eachother.

"Father it's you who will assign one of us to be in charge in your absence" Caesar spoke glancing at his step brother.

"I don't want the throne right now, too much work. After all i am the heir to the throne. When father wishes to completely retire I'll fully take the thrown. So in my good grace I'll let my sweet step brother take the throne for a decade to taste some power for a while but he'll return it when father is back and decides to retire. I mean it's only fair since he was suppose to born before me but he was quite..... unfortunate"

Zhenya smirked looking at Caesar but Caesar didn't give him an expression, he looked unbothered as always.

They heard the door opened making the three men turn their attention with a glare

"P-pardon Me your g-grace and your highnesses"

It was one of Zhenya's guards who was supposed to be on earth right now

"Pardon him father there must've been an emergency for him to come In like this," Zhenya pleaded for the man who was feeling oppressed due to the tension from the stares he was getting.

"What is it?" Zhenya asked

The shorter man walks towards him whispering into Zhenya's ear

"What...?" Zhenya's face was one of pure anger,

It was a rare sight for his father because Zhenya always had that annoying sly smirk

He actually liked seeing this angry expression of his son.
But he wouldn't want to see Caesar like that though, you could the child was brutal without even needing to show it.

"You all had one motherfucking job," Zhenya grabbed the man by his neck taking him above the ground.
The man feet dangling in the air,

"P-please me" the poor demon begged for his life "

Zhenya tched tossing the demon to the side

"Get out now, before i change my mind" a frown resting on his handsome face.

The demon scrambled out of the throne room after giving a deep bow.

"If it's an emergency it must be important go attend to it. Caesar you are now demon king you'll be crowned tomorrow"

"Yes father" They both chorused, finally ready to take their leave.

Zhenya left first, Caesar was about to leave before his father called him once more

"Caesar Alexandrovich" The demon king called which Caesar listened attentively

"Yes, father?" Caesar stayed back not really liking being held back, he promised his Leewon he'd be back early.

The demon king on the throne looks at Caesar.

The boy was his favourite, always paying attention and he knew how to run things properly unlike his brother.

"Let's talk"

N    /    A

Y'all I'm feeling kinda better so imma write some shit 😷 ✍🏽

OF all the people in my house that could've gotten sick from a mosquito bite it had to be me?

Make it make sense fr🙄

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