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Sitting down in the living room of a small apartment Taekjoo and the angel sat in silence.

Well..... You're wondering how they ended up here.

Back at the alley

Well Taekjoo who was about to smash the head of the other person.

"Wait I'm an angel" the man with black hair and yellow eyes spoke

Taekjoo paused, he couldn't even sense wether the man was an angel or a demon.

Taekjoo went back to his defensive mode.

"I don't believe you" Taekjoo stepping closer to the man observing his features a bit " aren't you a human " Taekjoo questioned.

He hadn't heard about humans having yellow eyes.

"No, I'm an angel. The reason you can't sense wether i am, is because i concealed my powers. So please put the rock down, if someone sees you looking like you want to murder me it'll be quite troublesome."

The man spoke

"How do i know if you aren't an angel, but a demon?" Taekjoo wanted proof and if he doesn't get any, this fraud was gonna get a rock smashed on his head.

"Look dude, I'm serious drop the damn stone or-"

"HEY YOU!" they both heard an unfamiliar voice making them turn their heads.

"What's going on there?"

"Fucking great" The yellow eyed man groaned annoyed, he was trying to avoid getting into this situation

"It's fine officer, my brother here is drunk and got out of the house without me knowing. So it's my fault"

The man gave a smile to the so called officer.

"Oh it's your brother?, well get him outta here and you drop that stone now" the officer ordered.

The angel hesitated
Taekjoo sensing the seriousness of the situation drops the stone not saying anything.

"Haha bro let's go" the yellow eyed man fake laughed placing a hand around Taekjoo's shoulder

"Get your hands off" Taekjoo spoke lowering his voice glaring at the man

In the end, the officer offered them a ride though they declined, the man insisted and they had no other choice.

They wouldn't want to be caught off as suspicious.

And that's how they got to the yellow eyed man's apartment.

Taekjoo sitting glaring at the man keeping his guard up.

The yellow eyed man walks towards the fridge grabbing a bottled water, drinking it all.
He heaved a sigh then walked towards Taekjoo who deepened his glare.

"Sheesh bro, relax my name's choi gyu as i previously said. I'm an angel aiit?"

The man extends his hands towards Taekjoo which the angel obviously ignored

"Taekjoo" He won't tell this guy his full name

"Okay Taekjoo what brings you to earth?" The man Gyu asked "oh and hold on"

The man steps away from Taekjoo making him look at Gyu strangely

Immediately Gyu stepped back from Taekjoo, big white wings appeared behind his back but no halo.

Taekjoo's eyes wide seeing how big they were

"Believe me now Mr Taekjoo ?" Gyu gave an innocent smile and continues to speak

"Well i ask again what brings you to earth? A task? And how's heaven I've been on earth for three years now I'm kinda outdated"

Gyu scratched his head giving a light chuckle.

Taekjoo didn't say anything, more like he can't.

How the fuck would he explain he got kicked out from heaven, had a sword go through him and kidnapped by demons with no evidence .

Taekjoo sighs letting his guard down just a little bit deciding to tell the angel the half truth.

Gyu was an angel, maybe he could trust him a little bit and besides he doesn't have where to stay.

According to Gyu he had been on earth for three years and knows nothing about Taekjoo's exile.

In the end, Taekjoo had only talk about being abducted by demons and managed to escape.

Leaving out a lot of details.

He wasn't gonna talk about the strippers and that he had slept with Zhenya

If not this friendly looking angel might end Taekjoo's life



At the hotel, A demon was laughing hysterically

"Ah~, sweetie how you make me chase you will make me want you more"

An evil glint in the blonde man's eyes.

Was it excitement or anger, maybe both

"I like a good chase, but I'm fucking pissed"

Zhenya smile disappeared looking at the security footage of Taekjoo and Ciarda making their way out of the building.

Hand in hand he saw them make their way towards a car and drove off.

"This better be fun" Zhenya smirked

N / A

I'm fucking sick Naurrr
I hate taking medicine 🤢 😭😭

Damn mosquitos

I'll try to post tomorrow again sorry 💊 😷

Y'all know i normally like writing long chapters.

But i can't right now :(

I feel better looking at this 🤤Damn

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I feel better looking at this 🤤

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