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Angela walked into the 'Lincoln Memorial Medicine Gala' her blue dress flowing behind her as she entered through the large doors of the gala. She makes her way to the bar and askes for a club soda. I when a man walks up next to her.

" It's a beautiful night isn't it?" the man she did not recognize said next to her. Angela decided to ignore him and keeps slipping her club soda. " so you're giving me the silent treatment." the man says he looks at her. "didn't really come here to socialize." she says turning around and look at the crowd of women and men in formal clothing. " well, that's a little hard to do, considering you're at an event. Nicklaus Scott. And you are." Angela looks up from her drink and stares at him in silence. She reaches out her hand and he takes it. "Angela Sloan." they hold their eye contact until another man, this one who looks quite similar to Angela walks up. " Angie they have shrimp tempura my favorite!" Mark walks over and looks at the man and then back to Angela. " Mark Sloan and you are..." "Nicklaus Scott"

" mark, I think, Derek's looking for you." Angela gets her brother warning look. " nice meeting you Scott" " you as well Sloan."

" so you're married that's why you were giving me the silent treatment?" Nick looks at her before taking a sip of his scotch. " no! oh God no, that's my older brother." Angela says giggling, putting her hand over her mouth.
" thank God for a second I thought I'd lost my chance."
The girl in the sparkly blue dress looks up at the man in the black Tux. " I should probably go to socialize before the night is over." Angela says looking in the men's eyes. " it was nice meeting you, Nicklaus." " you as well Angela." the girl walks away deeper into the crowd and looks back at Nickaus. He winks at her before turning away. And she walks further into the crowd.

after socializing for about an hour, Angela decides to take a walk outside. She's looking up at the moon and petting one of the horses in the garden. She hears the same voice of the man she met at the bar a little over an hour ago. " it seems like you're following me." Nicklaus said from behind the girl. " it seems like you're doing the same" the girl said, turning to face him, giggling. " you have a beautiful smile Ms. Angela." Angela looks at the man a smile on her face looking down she doesn't give him a reply, her cheeks turning a bright pink. " there it is that beautiful smile."
Nicklaus stands next to her petting the horse as well. She mentions a couple things about horses, and he just stood next to her and listen, staring at her the entire time. After a while, they just stood in silence not an awkward silence like before, but a comfortable silence like they've known each other forever.

After a while he takes the girl inside as she was starting to get cold. He took her to a quiet room, that not many people know about. " you didn't tell me you work here." " that's not something I normally mention in the first conversation with a girl i'm interested in " and she looks over. I am slightly blushing, and she looks away back at the paintings in front of them. " these are beautiful." she says her hand brushing against one of the paintings. " yeah, that one's my favorite took me about four weeks to finish it. " wait you're telling me you made these" Niklaus looked at her and chuckled. " I guess there's a lot of things you don't know about me, princess"


"Will you marry me?"
"Yes! Yes! Oh my god, Yes!"



*ring. ring. ring-*
"Is this Ms. Sloan?"
"Yes, how can I help you."
"My name is Dr. Miranda Bailey, I am you fiancée's doctor. He came in for a routine exam, and I noticed some discoloration in his skin and his eyes. So a ran a couple of tests-"
"Im a second year intern at Eastern Seattle Clinic. Explain it to me like a doctor."
"Ok. We ran a AFP, a CT, and an MRI. The MRI and CT were showing indications of Liver Cancer. So we ran the AFP to be sure. Your fiancée has stage 4 Liver Cancer. And his liver is going into failure."
"How long does he have?"
"I-I think you should get here now, unos hasn't notified us about a match and it is very unlikely he'll get one in such a short time. We are at Seattle Grace-"
"Is Derek Shepherd there?"
"Yes but he has no relevance to this case-"
"Tell him Little Sloan says that henry is in the hospital and Addison or himself need to sit with him and stay there till i'm there. Ill be there in an hour or so. Keep him alive Dr. Bailey."


Angela's heart raced as she sped through the streets of Seattle towards Seattle Grace Hospital. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions, each thought crashing into the next like waves against a rocky shore. Nick, her beloved fiancé, was in the hospital. The words "stage 4 liver cancer" echoed in her mind, a cruel mantra that she couldn't escape.

She burst through the doors of the hospital, her eyes scanning the bustling corridors until she spotted Derek Shepherd, her brother's best friend, and Addison Montgomery, his ex wife, standing outside a room with solemn expressions. Without a word, she rushed towards them, her breaths coming in shallow gasps.

"Angie," Derek said softly as she reached them, Derek enveloped her in a tight hug as she cried into his shoulder. "He's in there. Bailey's with him."

Angela nodded, her throat tight with unshed tears. She had to pull it together before she was in there she can't make this about herself, she took one more deep breath, and pushed open the door to Nick's room. The sight that greeted her tore at her heartstrings—Nick lay in the hospital bed, his once vibrant eyes dulled by pain and exhaustion. But despite his frail appearance, he managed a weak smile as she entered the room.

"Hey, princess," he rasped, reaching out for her hand.

Angela crossed the room in a blur of motion, sinking onto the chair beside his bed and clasping his hand tightly in hers. "Hey, baby," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm here."

When Nick was dying in his hospital bed, he motioned for Angie to come near. "Come, lay with me," he said weakly, his voice barely a whisper amidst the beeping of the machines.

As Angie started crying, she walked over to him, her heart breaking with each step. "Don't cry, love. Just lay with me. At least I'll die in your arms," he murmured, his eyes pleading for her to find some semblance of peace in their final moments together.

"You're not going to die!" Angela sobbed, her hands trembling as she reached out to him. But Nick's arms enveloped her. Pulling her into the bed beside him, his touch cold against her skin as if the chill of death had already begun to claim him.

"I love you, Angela," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of her tears.

"No, Nick. I need you, please. I love you," Angela choked out, her words a desperate plea for him to stay.

"Remember me, let me go, love. Live for me, move on-," Nick whispered, his voice fading with each passing moment.

"Nik? Nik?! NIK!" Angela's screams echoed through the room, her anguish filling the empty spaces between them as the machines began to beep incessantly, a grim reminder of the life slipping away before her eyes.

She was slowly lifted out of the bed by Derek. He gently picked her up and carried her to an on-call room. She sobbed into his shoulder not being able to stop or even catch a breath. As they made their was through the hospital she could feel the eyes on her. She opened her eyes and saw Meredith, Grey, George O'Malley Cristina Yang, Izzy, Stevens, and Alex Karev, all staring at her. Meredith had a look of jealousy on her face, but was wiped off when she saw the tears of Angela. Derek wasn't even paying The group of five any mind. All he cared about was taking care of the girl who is like his sister

Little Sloan - Jackson AveryWhere stories live. Discover now