chapter 6

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Rangiku: Hikari listen let's head back to your place and just have some quality sister time since well I never had a sister before, and I promise nothing is going to hurt you again.
Hikari: yeah okay. Hikari teared up and Rangiku held her close they both left and Hikari was sitting on the couch while holding her head then a mug was held in front of her, Hikari smiled at Rangiku and kindly took the mug as she sipped her tea.
Rangiku: listen who cares what they say about you you an incredible girl one who makes my captain happy. but how about we get something to eat and wait for Renji and Captain Hitsugaya to come back.
Hikari: sure but I could really go for a pizza. Hikari ordered some food and they both ate but saved some for the guys although Hikari was sleeping a bit since she ate so much.
Rangiku: I told you not too eat so much of that but nope you didn't listen. a growl was heard and Hikari covered her head with the pillow hiding from Rangiku.
Hikari: leave me alone Rangiku i'm a wolf we tend to eat alot. the door opened the girls saw both Toshiro and Renji come in a burp was heard which surprised the three of them.
Renji: what the hell?
Hikari: what I burped big deal it's perfectly normal.
Rangiku: I never do that but must be your thing.
Hikari: damn straight plus what do you expect when you eat food that tends to happen, i'm not like other girls so leave me be.
Renji: I take it almost a full moon?
Hikari: sorry guys I get a little grumpy when it's close to the full moon so i'm going to my room.

Toshiro went up to Hikari's room and he knocked on the door and Hikari yelled for him to come in he walked over and sat down next to her, as he saw transformation already going through.
Toshiro: we better get you too the cage so you can be alone.
Hikari: you can be by my side Toshiro just don't come in the cage. Toshiro took Hikari down to the cage and he gently laid her down as she began to transform which was hurting her a bit then it had finally finished Hikari had fully become a wolf, she was growling a bit and looked at Toshiro wtih love in her eyes.
Toshiro: I know your in there Hikari just to keep calm and never loose yourself. Hikari nuzzled Toshiro's hand and smelled something which made her growl.
Ikkaku: Captain Hitsugaya are you here?
Toshiro: i'm down here. Ikkaku came down and saw Hikari in her werewolf form.
Ikkaku: Ichigo asked me to check up on HIkari for him and I can see she's alright. also I brought some food thought you might be hungry.
Toshiro: thank you Ikkaku. Ikkaku gave Toshiro his food and placed some meat in the cage for Hikari she took it and went to eat so the guys wouldn't be grossed out.
Ikkaku: she must be really hungry. good thing I brought her some food. Hikari laid down and she went to sleep Toshiro looked at Hikari and hoped that she would be alright in the morning.
Toshiro: we should let Hikari get some sleep. they both got some sleep but Toshiro left something for Hikari to cover herself with in the morning.

*next day*

Toshiro woke up so did Ikkaku but they saw that Hikari was waking up as they both turned around so Hikari could cover herself.
Hikari: you can look now guys. can someone let me out of here?
Ikkaku: I got it where's the key?
Hikari: it's on the desk in the chest. Ikkaku got the key and unlocked the door then Hikari walked out as she held her arms.
Toshiro: Hikari are you doing alright?
Hikari: yeah I'm fine but if Aizen isn't dead then I am going to help you fight.
Ikkaku: you sure about that if Aizen isn't dead he'll kill you.
Hikari: I don't care Ikkaku i'm protecting you guys and I can't loose anyone else.
Toshiro: Hikari your not fighting Aizen I will not let you die!
Hikari: and you think I would live with myself if you got killed yourself Toshiro I just wouldn't be able too, just  leave me alone right now. Hikari ran up to her room and got dressed as she knew what she had to do.
Hikari: I know your coming Aizen I will kill you if Toshiro is badly injured your going to die one way or another bastard.

*mini time skip*

all the soul reapers were fighting Aizen and it was night time Hikari knew what she had to do Hikari took the serum and injected herself as she waited for Aizen to land on the ground once the transformation Hikari pounced Aizen as he threw her off and she growled at him.
Ichigo: Hikari what the hell are you doing?! Hikari growled at Aizen while she was ready to attack him again.
Aizen: so your a wolf how surprising your young for one.
Rukia: Hikari run get away from him! Hikari pounced Aizen as she shredded him then howled at the moon as she stood over Aizen's body then walked over to Toshiro as she nudged him and Rangiku.
Rangiku: you really did a number on him you have blood around your mouth Hikari.
Hikari: (growls)
Rangiku: i'm alright but Captain are you alright?
Toshiro: i'm fine but Hikari thank you for coming to help us. Hikari nuzzled Toshiro and he held her snout while he leaned his forehead against Hikari's head.
Shunsuei: Ichigo you never told us your cousin was a wolf.
Ichigo: she's a werewolf but how did you transform it's not a full moon. Hikari moved the vile with her paw and Ichigo picked it up.
Renji: the serum her Father was working on of course it has a reverse effect. Hikari barked and felt the serum wearing off Hikari fell to the ground and Rukia covered her with a blanket that Hikari had brought in her bag, and helped Hikari stand up.
Jushiro: so you took a serum to help us?
Hikari: yes my Dad designed it to suppress my Lycanthropic cycle but it has a reverse effect as you all saw, but right now i'm hurting Aizen got a few cuts on my body but I'm alright I heal fast.
Toshiro: we should get you cleaned up you blood all over you. Hikari nodded but almost fell to the ground Toshiro picked up Hikari bridal style and carried her to get medical attention, Hikari was hurting badly she had a wound over her heart which was hurting badly for her.

Toshiro: just hold on Hikari I promise your going to be alright.
Hikari: Toshiro it hurts make it stop please you have to kill me.
Toshiro: no i am not ending your life you'll be alright I promise I can't loose you I love you Hikari.
Hikari: just as I love you Toshiro. Toshiro had gotten Hikari to the soul society as he ran to squad four barracks they took Hikari and promised that she would be alright. hours had passed and Toshiro went to visit Hikari he sat down next to her bed as he held her hand.
Isane: she'll be alright Captain Hitsugaya we gave her some anesthesia to help with the pain Hikari should wake up soon, and she was a fighter her wounds should be healed soon.
Toshiro: right thank you Luietnent Kotetsu. Isane nodded and went to take care of other patients Toshiro held, Hikari's hand protectively hoping that she would wake up soon.
Toshiro: please wake up Hikari please wake up. a few hours had passed and a groan was heard as Hikari was waking up it caught Toshiro's attention as he saw Hikari's eyes flutter open while she held her chest.
Toshiro: Hikari your awake how do you feel?
Hikari: sore but worth it keeping you all safe I said I would fight Aizen and I did but I probably really shredded him didn't I?
Toshiro: a few gashes but he's dead nothing to worry about you ahd a few wounds but they were taken care of. i'm just glad your alright. they both shared a kiss then pulled apart as Hikari held her chest a bit.
Toshiro: take it easy you need to recover Onohana told me that you have to stay here to make sure your doing alright, and I have some work to get done but I will come and visit you again I promise. try to get some rest.
Hikari: alright and Toshiro don't over work yourself I hate seeing you hurt.
Toshiro: I'll be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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