A Random End

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Y/N sat up in her chair, trying not to fall asleep or give up on what she was working on. 

She had lost the random burst of energy that she got from earlier this morning and now she felt like she was dying.

"Aw! You are so cute!" Nobara cooed, petting the black cat as it played with whatever small toy she gave it. 

Apparently Nobara was always prepared for when a random cat showed up, twenty four seven. She had cat toys for days, they would last a damn lifetime and all in one bag.

Fushiguro had woken up late, drinking some coffee as he stood in the kitchen while both Panda and Maki were off grabbing some cursed weapons. 

They were all going to train later today with actual weapons this time and Y/N had a bad feeling she might get stabbed by accident.

Inumaki was just eating eggs and rice with some complementary salmon that Y/N had added. He said the word salmon a lot so she figured that he must have liked it.

Y/N fixed her camera, tinkering on it in hopes to fix it, the only thing that was really wrong with it was the broken lens and the old ass filter. The camera hadn't been used for like four years.

One other thing that was fun about the camera was the fifteen different pictures that had gotten stuck in the dispenser, and of course they were old, from like, five years ago, when Itadori still had his hair dyed blond type of years ago.

"When did you even get this cat?" Nobara stood up, walking over to Y/N as the cat followed.

"I got it a couple days ago-"

"Man this cat literally can't be any cuter, it's got emerald eyes! You should name it Teto!" She yelled, picking the cat up and hugging the little thing. All it did was meow before she let it go and it ran off to the toy it was playing with before.

"I already thought of a name." Y/N yawned, setting aside her camera. There was no way she'd be able to finish fixing this when Nobara got her attention.

"What is it?"


"That's cute." Fushiguro mumbled, gaining a harsh glare from Nobara for no apparent reason other than she didn't like it.

"No, It's boring!"

"What? No it's not." Y/N coughed out, trying not to laugh the two fought once again.

"Was she asking you Kugisaki?" Was all Fushiguro said, pissing her off even though he wasn't fazed. Apparently if he got a good nights rest and he hadn't been awake halfway through the day he was a lot less irritable. 

"Tuna mayo." Inumaki added, finishing the last of his food before standing up to put his plate away.

"Right on dude." Nobara said all of a sudden, making Y/N laugh. Nobara just assumed he was agreeing with her and not with Fushiguro like she knew what he was saying.

Fushiguro could have cared less, just sipping his coffee like the elite he was.

"Hey everybody! We got the weapons so let's get ready to train."

Y/N almost yelped, internally crying when she turned around. She watched as Maki entered the dorms lounging area while Panda just waited outside with all of the weapons.

Damn, that was a lot of weapons.

"Wow." Nobara mumbled, running up to Panda as she eyed the weapons. 

"Mustard leaf." Inumaki remarked.

"... You've got everything." Y/N commented, barely touching one of the swords before removing her hand. This was so intimidating because she didn't know the first thing about using katanas, spears and crap like that. She only knew how to hold a gun because of youtube, but not a machete!

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