How to mew

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Contact us​MEWING: WHAT IS IT & DOES IT WORK?Dr. Gerry CuratolaAugust 4, 2023Cosmetic Dentistry

Mewing is a DIY tongue placement technique meant to restructure your jaw. This not-so-new craze is named after Dr. John Mew, a British orthodontist who was recently stripped of his credentials by the .

According to his followers, Dr. John Mew and his son Dr. Mike Mew are battling against mainstream orthodontic juggernauts who want to continue charging money for unnecessary surgeries, instead of subscribing to Dr. Mew's natural treatment option, which he calls "orthotropics" instead of mewing.

According to his detractors, Dr. John Mew is a dangerous source of misinformation which is spreading across social media and YouTube, convincing normal folk that there is a science-based, non-invasive alternative to orthodontic surgery when that is not the case.

Mewing should not be a dangerous practice, unless you are opting for mewing over a necessary treatment. Orthodontic surgeries, however, may do more harm than good by traumatizing your existing jaw structure and dental material.

Let's just say there are alternatives to both surgery and mewing.

Keep reading to learn more about how mewing is supposed to work, the purported benefits, and any potential risks. If you're interested in personalized oral health care which prioritizes science, your unique situation, and avoiding invasive procedures, .


Mewing is a technique that encourages proper tongue alignment to reposition the jaw — without surgery, additional tools, or medication. As you retrain your tongue's resting position, your facial structure will change, particularly your jawline.

Does mewing change your jawline? According to supporters of mewing, yes, mewing can change your jawline. However, the primary evidence for this claim is anecdotal and often dubious.

While you're training your tongue to position itself differently, your jawline should also reposition into a more desirable structure. Sources state that it takes years to really see results, but many on social media are claiming anecdotally that it only took months for them to notice a difference.

Some supporters of the practice also claim it relieves jaw pain and reduces snoring while asleep. Dr. John Mew claims that poor jaw posture leads to several health conditions, such as sleep apnea, speech disorders, swallowing problems, and sinus inflammation.

Note: Before and after images on social media, TikTok, and YouTube are not reliable sources of evidence. Photos can be doctored, or the angles and lighting can prove more flattering. Also, natural jawline restructuring is expected in adolescents — a considerable portion of mewing enthusiasts — with or without mewing


The primary benefit of mewing is a more defined jawline. Whether it's insecure adolescents, involuntary celibates, mouth breathers, those who are anxious about going to a dentist's office, or anyone who wants to change their facial features, mewing promises a conventionally attractive jawline at zero cost to you — unless you count the large amount of time spent.

Can mewing straighten teeth? Yes, according to mewing proponents, mewing can straighten teeth by restructuring the jaw. However, the scientific evidence that mewing can restructure the jaw is dubious at best. Besides, restructuring the jaw has just as much chance to worsen teeth alignment.
Below are other health problems which mewing is purported to treat:

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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