Ch. 19 - You're Burnt

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Summary: Kokoro visits Gaara in the hospital, plays with some local children, and finds out whether or not she stays a Chunin.

"What were you thinking?" Kokoro yelled as she entered Gaara's hospital room. It was a private quarter designed with comfortability in mind. The window was cracked to allow fresh air blow in, and small plants added a rustic feel. Gaara was sitting up in bed against two firm pillows. A blanket was draped over his lap, and a monitor beeped quietly beside him. A black and blue bruise sat on his jaw, marring the beauty that was his pale skin against his bolder features.

"I wondered when I would get to see you again," Gaara said calmly. "I thought it would happen before this point."

"You knew it was going to happen," she accused him.

"I did. It was one of the reasons why I agreed to hold a joint Chunin Exams."

"You could have been killed!" She stepped farther into the room and closed the door. Her arms fell limply to her sides and the look of incredulity refused to leave her face.

He gestured towards the plush chair in the corner closest to his bed and said, "Come sit down and relax."

"How am I supposed to relax when you're out here going on suicide missions?!"

"It's my job. Besides I had a plan."

"You still got hurt. You could have died!"

"You're working yourself up. Come sit."

"I'm not sitting until you admit that what you did was foolish," she said stubbornly.

He sighed and looked away from her and out the window. It was a gorgeous day out to be stuck inside a hospital room. A bird stood on the windowsill with brown plumage and black and white spotted markings. A Cactus Wren. Known for its loud, scratchy call, Gaara admired it while others thought it was annoying. He loved hearing its call in the early hours of the day just as he woke up. As it flew away to find its mate or infiltrate other nests, he wished he could fly away with it. Having Kokoro mad at him brought back unwanted memories he still hadn't come to terms with. He was just trying to get things back on track, to redeem himself and become a better Kazekage than his father. He closed his eyes and imagined Kokoro smiling at him rather than scolding him. He jolted when he felt a warm hand against his cheek. When he opened his eyes, he met Kokoro's concerned ones.

He sighed and admitted, "That isn't how I want to see you look either."

"I shouldn't be yelling at you," she said. "I was worried."

"I didn't mean to worry you," he said as he leaned into her hand. It was warm against his usually cold skin. The contrast made him shiver. "It's my job, though, as Kazekage to make those types of decision."

"I know." Her thumb pet his bruising jaw. "What happened to your jaw? This wasn't here when we found you."

"Kankuro. He hadn't agreed with my decision to allow myself to be bait. When I awoke the first time, he punched me and told me he knew I was going to get hurt before he hugged me. It was one of the first times he hugged me, actually."

"Good. That means I don't have to punch him."

"I wouldn't want you to punch him, anyway," Gaara said. "The last thing I need is for him to be all riled up."

"Is he as aggravating riled up as he is when he's normal?" she asked deviously.

"Is it wrong of me to say yes?" he asked with as big as a smirk as she had. They lapsed into silence, enjoying each other's presence. Then Kokoro made a noise in the back of her throat that resembled a swallowed laugh. "What's so funny?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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