Lesson 1: Dorothel

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Salutations, dear reader. This is my debut piece, the first part of an epic saga I have hereby dubbed "The Credenzas of Shaggy Master and His Adventures Through the Kozmoverse." It is a story of danger, action, magic and of course, romance. Please note that I have tried to keep this story as close to canon as possible. Any non-canon occurrences were very purposeful decisions on my behalf.

Do note that this series will have quite adult-oriented scenes. Do not read my masterpiece if you are a child or an adult with an underdeveloped mind!! I will not grace enraged flamers who comment on their hatred of the carnal arts!! You have been thus forewarned! As is the natural course of life, people fall in love, and they will copulate.

My OC (original character) is completely owned by me, including his unique mastery of the Shaggy Arts. Anyone who wishes to replicate the Shaggy Arts or include my OC in their own works must contact me first or I will call my lawyer. My family has very powerful lawyers and they have won us every case, ranging from arson to reckless child endangerment!

As this is my literary debut, absolutely no flaming will be tolerated. I am a very quiet man, but if you anger me, you will face my wrath and my absolute mastery of Duel Monsters!

The Kozmoverse belongs to the great George Baum. I owe him my adolescence.

Without further ado, I present Lesson 1: Dorothel.

Oh, and, please rate and review. Thank you.

If you would like to read this story in its full experience (aka in the vaunted Papyrus font) please use this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YKbuDPh3gxgXYh3xoAGvMZ8IOyjsnDts/view?usp=sharing

In a galaxy far, far away...a handsome, mysterious, silver-haired traveller navigated through the wastes of the star system with expertise, despite the fleet of DOG fighters that doggedly flew after him. Many people would remark on the handsome man's visage, his combination of features quite rare and desired. From afar, he could be seen towering over the small populace, his long legs carrying him easily through the crowds. Had he not been fleeing from heartless usurpers, he would have been immediately noticed for his impeccable sense of fashion. No matter how much sweat beaded his brow, his manly musk always attracted women from all walks of life. He was erudite, using poetic similes with his deep, velvety voice. It never failed to make women swoon.

Around his manly hips was a belt with a strong, heart-shaped magnet. This was his Love Magnet, the source of all his extra-Energy Arts powers. With it, all the women of Kozmos would find him even more attractive and loveable. It stored his secret weapon: the source of the Shaggy Arts, an alternate form of the Energy Arts crafted for the powerful magics of seduction. With it, our handsome protagonist was invincible.

As the DOG fighters blasted at him, he checked the fuel supply and cursed under his breath. His stash of emerald matter could only take him so far. He had to land, soon.

He flexed his well-sculpted jaw and urged his escape pod on, narrowly missing an asteroid. As he entered a ring of asteroids, he pulled his fashionable goggles over his eyes.

Opening his navigation system, he grimaced as he saw the nearest planet. Kanzia, a barren wasteland of sand and dust, as far as the eye could see. It was better than being caught by Dark Elphaiber's forces, though. Who knew what the wicked Kozmoll had in mind for him.

He thought back to that wicked Kozmoll, from her shapely legs to her long, flowing hair. Who knew that such a beautiful woman had possessed such a green and wicked heart?

He steered his escape pod towards the beige planet. From afar, it seemed like a shiny tourmaline crystal in the cosmos. Perhaps the natives would welcome him, as handsome, mysterious, tall and masculine as he was.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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