Forget Me Not: Ryusei Shidou

Start from the beginning




It was in your second year of highschool that both your father and mother had fallen ill and when Ryusei was selected into a soccer program called "Blue Lock". He had sent you a letter with a brief explanation about it before completely disappearing from your life. Your childhood dream of just simply finding a well-paying job would soon begin to quickly crumble before your very eyes.

You had to practically drop out of highschool to work several part-time jobs to pay for your parents' medication since they were no longer in any working condition. You were lagging so severely behind your school work and projects that the school just simply expelled you, not caring about your current situation in the slightest.

And not one word was heard from Ryusei for the next several months. The next time you'd see his face again was on a large screen in the middle of the city. You stood there, bag containing several medical prescriptions in hand, looking up at the screen which displayed the match between the Japan U-20 vs Blue Lock match. It was then that you realised that you and Ryusei now belonged to 2 whole different worlds now. He was no longer the poor boy that you hung out everyday at the park with, he was no longer the boy that you'd run to after a bad day, he was no longer the boy you shared an ice cream with, he was no longer your best friend. He was just Ryusei Shidou. You looked away from the screen, walking back towards your run down home in the ghetto neighbourhood you had spent your whole life in.




You chuckle at the memory while staring down at a pair of tombstones, at the ripe old age of 20, you are all alone in a world where the rich rule it all. With no one to comfort you anymore, you break down for the first time in 3 years. Falling onto your knees, wailing and letting out the tears you had been holding back for so long.

You wonder what you must have done in your previous life to be having to live this hell now. You're on your knees in the middle of a graveyard in the dead of night all alone. But, you still have a shift to get to.




In a reserved room in an extremely crowded bbq restaurant, is where the members of the PXG team celebrate their most recent victory against Ubers. Some players discuss the match and others have already started to drink. Shidou excuses himself to the bathroom, walking out of the private room.

Making his way towards the bathroom, he overhears a conversation between 2 servers.

- "Hey, isn't (L/n) supposed to be clocking in tonight? I haven't seen him anywhere at all today"

- "Yeah, he was, but hasnt been showing up for a while now"

- "Well, maybe he's takin' a break. He's never taken one ever since he started working here 2 years ago."

There it is, (L/n), a name Shidou swears he's heard somewhere before.

- "It's his birthday today, maybe he's celebrating with his family."

- "Probably not, he stopped celebrating his birthday after he turned 13 apparently."

- "Seriously? Damn, he's turning 21 today right? So that means this would be the 7th year that he doesn't celebrate..."

- "He most likely has his reasons."

Shidou freezes, he remembers your name now. Has it really been that long?...He thinks to himself.

Almost as if on cue, you walk out of the staff room. "Sorry for being late...Something came up" Your voice was quiet, it sounded almost dead. "(L/n! Thought you'd be on break for a while, what brings you back so soon?" You don't answer for a moment, but a response still comes out. "I didn't need it anymore." Is all you answer your co-workers with before walking towards the kitchen. It's almost as if his body moved on his own, he runs right past the workers and grabs a hold of your hand.

Ah, it's the face you thought you'd never see again. His eyes staring into yours. But nothing could've prepared Shidou for the words that were about to spill from your mouth: "Sorry, but who are you? Can you let go, I have a job to do." Your voice is stone cold, your eyes have no shine in them and your eye bags are as clear as day. Shidou can barely believe that he's looking at his childhood best friend. But he knows, he knows that you're lying and so do you. You do remember him, you can't forget him no matter how hard you try. "(M/n, it's me, Ryusei Shidou! Your childhood best friend!" He lets go of your hand, but he's ready to reach out again if you try to run away. "Sorry, I don't remember having any friends when I was younger." His heart aches at your words. "Come on now, you wouldn't forget your old buddy Ryu right?" That's right, you would and could never forget the face that abandoned you in the slumps. You're tired, too tired to be dealing with this. Your eyes are still puffy from the tears and your head is blurry. "Please leave me alone, otherwise I'll have to ask security to escort you out." Shidou is starting to get frustrated with your act. "Come on (M/n)! You know it's me, why the fuck are you acting this way?!" His voice is just as loud as you remember, his skin is still tanned, maybe even a little more now, he's still the same Ryusei that you know. But at the same time, he isn't. You turn on your heels and briskly walk away from him, but he's faster. He grabs your wrist and drags you out the restaurant into an alleyway.

He forcefully pins you to the brick wall of the alleyway, hands on both sides of your head to lock you in. "Do I have to call the cops on you? This is harassment, sir." Shidou shouts: "GODDAMMIT (M/N)!". And causes you to flinch. "Is this about what happened 8 years ago?" Of course it is, why else would you be acting this way? "What the fuck do you think?" The tone in your voice tells him that you're mad. You slap one of his hands away, "Why are you back here." It's not a question that you're asking him, you're telling him to answer you. Now it's Shidou who's quiet. "I...I came here to celebrate a victory and I heard about you.." His pathetic answer makes your blood boil even more. "So you heard about me? You didn't search for me on your own?" He's back to being silent, his head hangs low. "Of course you forgot me, Shidou. After all, you, a rich and star athlete, would never want to associate himself with me, a poor worker who's barely making ends meet, right?" He perks up at your words, "You know it's not like that!" He defends himself, but a part of him knows that it was the truth. "THEN WHAT WAS IT, SHIDOU?! You left, that's all there is to it." You lash out, but regain composure soon after.

It's silent, too silent for Shidou's liking. "I..don't have an answer for leaving you like that, I was being selfish.." "Yeah, no fucking shit." You're quick to talk back, leaving him no room to validate his actions. "Are your parents doing well...?" Why is he asking about your parents, that isn't any of his business.

You groan, tired of his shit. "I'm ending our conversation here, Shidou, don't bother looking for me." You shove him away and walk out on him, leaving him in the alleyway alone.

For the rest of the night, Shidou is mostly silent, his teammates are questioning his behaviour, but they let him be. It's the same for you, you're silent but that's not new information, you're always silent. But this time, you're screaming, bawling, crying on the inside.

'Please disappear, disappear again, just never show up in my life ever again.' 

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