Forget Me Not: Ryusei Shidou

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"Ryu, let's go to the park today!" a young boy looked up to his best friend with a gleaming face as bright as the sun with his fist balled together and teeth showing through his smile. "The park? Sure!" The taller one replied just as happily as his shorter counterpart.

You took Ryusei's bigger hand and led him towards the park where you would always hang out and play together. You ran with his hand in yours, giggling the whole way there.

You didn't have many friends, being practically dirt poor. You often found yourself alone since not many wanted to befriend the poor. Sitting, playing, eating and even when just existing, you were always alone, until you met him, your saviour.




You had met Ryusei at a park near your home, sitting on the swings alone, watching all the other kids playing with their friends. You were sad, but used to it. Looking down at your dangling feet, a sudden shadow loomed over you. You looked up and saw a kid you've never seen before. He was tall (like insanely tall), you were scared of course, but you two just maintained eye-contact. "Hi! I'm Ryusei Shidou!" His voice made you flinch, it was the first time another person introduced themselves first to you. "Hi...I'm (M/n).." Your voice was much softer and quieter compared to his loud and alluring voice.

That was the day that a new lasting friendship had bloomed.

Which led to that day




"Hey (M/n), you've ever thought about what you wanted to do in life?" You were 11 and he was 12 when he first asked that life-changing question. "Huh, what do I wanna do in life?...I'm not sure, I just wanna make lots of money!" Being dirt poor, you never really set yourself a goal in life other than making a lot of money. "What about you Ryu? What do you wanna do?" Your question was an innocent one, but it would haunt you for the rest of your upcoming teenage years. "I agree with y'a, I wanna make lots of money too! But, I wanna earn that money by being a pro soccer player!" He answered in his usual loud and booming voice while juggling a soccer ball with his knee. "And then when I make lots of money and become famous, you'll be the first person that I go running back to!" You giggled at his statement, you've always believed in Ryusei's hopes and dreams, but just something about this one that threw you off.




You were in your early teen years now, and Ryusei has been slowly captivating the attention of many recruiters from different clubs. Despite his reckless way of playing the sport, his skills definitely made up for his recklessness. By 14, Ryusei would mostly be busy playing soccer either at school or in his club after school hours. Your routine soon went from going home together everyday to walking home alone even on the rainiest of days. When you would arrive home, you didn't have Ryusei to visit you everyday to hang out anymore. Your parents would never be home either, since they'd by working their several jobs to make ends meet, just enough money to barely survive. You had very little to almost zero toys, your main source of entertainment would be hanging out with Ryusei. But, those days were long gone by the time your 13th birthday rolled around.

You'd hope that Ryu would be there to at least spend it with you, because your parents couldn't, but he was just as busy with an upcoming tournament. He had come over to your house earlier in the day to tell you that he couldn't spend your birthday with you and he thought that you shouldn't bother going to his matches since they were far away. So that night, you went to the local convenience store to buy just a single muffin with the little money your parents had given you. You sat at the diner table in front of a muffin that had a candle given by the cashier out of pity implanted in it. Ever since that day, you vowed to never celebrate your birthday ever again.

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