Facing The Demon

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Miles came out of his camouflage mode and saw Batman and Ra's Al Ghul going at it in a clashing battle 

Miles came out of his camouflage mode and saw Batman and Ra's Al Ghul going at it in a clashing battle 

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Spider-Man (Miles): Oh man. This guy's got moves than Samurai Jack! MJ any sign of Pete yet? I think we're gonna need backup soon. 

Robin and I found him

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Robin and I found him. And we captured Felicia. I just sent Pete your signal he's on his way. 

Soon he spotted the contain Symbiont by Ra's throne 

Spider-Man (Miles): Perfect. I even spotted the prize. 

He walls crawl towards the throne 

Meanwhile Batman and Ra's Al Ghul continued their clash  

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Meanwhile Batman and Ra's Al Ghul continued their clash  

Meanwhile Batman and Ra's Al Ghul continued their clash  

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