Chapters 231-240

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231 Miss Su... Su Min

Liling explained scratching her head. Although she also wanted to see him, she could not just leave. Miss Su had said there were important persons who would want to meet her; it would be disappointing if she was not there.

''Okay, I'll be waiting for you.''

''I love you.''

Liu Wei felt his ears tickle as he heard her whisper.

''I love you too, don't be late.''

''Okay! ''

Liling disconnected the call and eased herself, washed her hands before walking out of the restroom.

Liling and Miss Su sat at the back as Miss Su's driver drove them to a five star hotel, Liling's driver following behind.

When they arrived, Liling was led into a presidential suite to change into something comfortable.

Miss Su made her wear over ten clothes before she settled on one. Liling wanted to wear flat shoes since her feet hurt but Miss Su explained that as a star, she was expected to appear elegant always and flat shoes weren't elegant.

Liling was new in the industry, so she was learning. She nodded and quickly took out a pair of new heels which matched her gown.

Her makeup artists touched her makeup again and when Miss Su was satisfied, they left.

Miss Su took them downstairs, in the elevator, Liling could not help asking.

''Manager Su, where are we going? ''

''You'll see.''

Miss Su walked to a huge door on the first floor and the hotel attendants opened the door for them both.

Liling jaw nearly dropped when she saw the class of persons in the room.

The room was large and there was a long table which some waiters stood by, obviously placing some food.

The people in the room looked like money itself, they all looked sophisticated and Liling for a brief moment thanked her stars for not letting her put on those flat shoes.

''And here comes our beautiful singer. ''

Someone said and the rest of the people turned around to see the person being referred to.

Liling was smiling as usual, the eyes the women in the hall looked at her with were so piercing that she nearly lost balance.

That eye you give someone you feel is better than you.

Liling was beautiful_ stunning to be accurate. Her ever radiating smile and bright eyes could send any man on his knees. So the ladies were right to stare at her like she was there to steal their boyfriends.

Miss Su went to greet some persons, so she ordinarily tagged along.

''Oh what's your name again?''

'Lee Liling ''

Liling replied as she took the hand that was outstretched. The man shook her briefly and commented on her voice and beauty.

People came by one after the other to talk, mostly men. Some women did but most did not, that was expected.

''Oh the table is ready. ''

Liling thanked her stars because that statement was a major saving grace.

''See who's coming now.''

Someone shouted. Liling who had picked up her chopsticks immediately turned to look at the door like everyone else.

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