Chapter 17- Secrets

Start from the beginning

"So you're calling me a girl?"

"No... I-I mean..." I stutter, trying to find the right words.

Ashton chuckles before shaking his head.

"Chill, I'm only kidding." He starts to laugh again as I sheepishly smile.

We decide, because I like to write and he doesn't mind helping, that we'll write our own song. We don't really get started though, because we're too caught up in random conversation.

Ashton is amazing. He's cute, a little nerdy, and has a great voice. I really like him.

The class flew by because of him. When the bell rang, I headed straight for the door. In the process, I realized I forgot my journal on my desk. I'd been using it to look back at old song ideas.

Shit. I had to go get it.

I hurry back to the classroom, hoping that I can get in and out without Mr. Tomlinson noticing. I see he's sat at his desk, busy reading a piece of paper, so I quickly go to my desk.

My journal isn't on top of it, so I bend down to search under and around my desk. I hear Mr. Tomlinson's chair move. Fuck. I quickly stand up to escape, but instead, I'm faced with him.

"If I give you this, will you promise to stay?" He questions.

I nod untruthfully.

He holds out my journal and I gingerly take it, before pivoting and running towards the door. He reacts fast, though, grabbing me at the elbow roughly and pulling me back. I'm freaking out, the events of last week still fresh in my mind. I struggle as he grabs at my journal until he successfully works it out of my attempt at an iron grip.

He turns me to look at him and grips my shoulder instead of my arm. At this point, I have two options. I can use the element of surprise and sprint away, then try to catch the bus home or walk. If I do that, he'll have possession of my journal for the night, and there's no promise that he won't read it.

Or, I can stay here and secure the safety of my past and all my deepest feelings.

It was a no-brainer.

I simply return his stare.

He releases my shoulder and walks towards the door, still holding my journal. He sets it down for a second before fumbling around in his pocket for something.

He takes out a key and locks the door (from the inside? interesting). He grabs my journal again and walks over to his desk, placing it in a drawer and turning the key already in it before removing the key and pocketing that as well.

Then, as if nothing happened, he begins to make tea.

I stay motionless where I am, deciding that's the best approach. Once he finishes the brewing process, he places a mug on the desk I usually sit at during tea and then sits in his rolly chair, taking a sip.

I don't dare move.

"C'mon, Skylynn." He sighs.

Why is he so upset I won't drink his stupid tea? He fucking locked me in here, and locked away my journal! What are his plans for me? I don't realize my breathing become unsteady and my heart pump faster until Mr. Tomlinson does.

"Skylynn?" He puts his tea down and stands up, walking over to me.

I feel the panic attack coming on, and I want to run and hide. Get away from this monster.

"Shhhh, you're okay." He says, embracing me.

All of a sudden, I can breathe again. The attack goes away.

My Teacher, Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now