Chapter 3

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New feelings..?

Harry and Ginny still stay friends after their unfortunate break up and Harry is the only one who knows about her relationship with looney Luna.

Weeks go past and Harry still suffers Dracos horrid tormenting, but little did Harry know was that Draco was just doing this for Harry's attention because Draco was obsessing over him.

"Boo hoo Pottah, looks like you just lost yourself a girlfriend." Draco says in a teasing tone to piss of Harry.

"Fuck off Malfoy me and Ginny are still friends.." Harry replies pissed at Draco

"Hah really?! Why would Weaslette want to be friends with you Pottah..?"

Harry sighs and he barges past Draco, Draco simply laughed at Harry before walking away to potions. In potions it was partner work this lesson, Ron and Hermione paired together leaving poor ol' Harry on his own and Pansy and Blaise purposely pair together so Harry and Draco would have to be pairs. Draco and Harry were paired together and they had to make Amortentia and since Harry was using the half blood princes book him and Draco kept arguing over what ingredient amounts to use.

"No Malfoy it's wrong you only need half!"

"Pottah I know what I'm doing shut up!"

"Malfoy just do as I say!" Harry pleads.

"Ugh, fine whatever.. gosh.." Draco sighs as he finally listens.

They keep arguing but after some time they finally make the potion. Harry smells it first.. he smelt.. cinnamon.. apples.. Dracos cologne.. and for Draco with his current obsession with Harry he smells.. broomstick polish.. butter beer.. Harry's cologne..

Later that day, Harry was pacing around his room muttering to himself..

"Why did I smell Draco"

"do i seriously think he's attractive"

"but I'm not gay"

"this can't be true.."

Harry kept pacing and overthinking that he liked Draco Malfoy. But that was the thing Harry Potter was becoming gay for Draco Malfoy (<3). Harry was worried he didn't know how to deal with it, Draco was his enemy he couldn't love him! But that's just what he thought. Harry was then starting to get worried about what his friends, his best friends Ron and Hermione, would think about him if he told them so.. he went to Ginny knowing he could trust her since she trusted him with her secret relationship. Harry runs though the halls looking for Ginny until he finally found her and he pulled her to the side where it was more private.

"Ginny! I need to talk to you urgently.." Harry says panting from running around looking for her.

"Woah woah Harry take some breaths your panting"

"Right, sorry.. anyways I can trust you right..?"

"Of course you can Harry," Ginny says calmly but she then grows slightly suspicious "wait why are you asking this? Harry what's going on.."

"This may sound really weird and awkward but.. but I think I might find Draco attractive.. cause we made amortenia and I smelt.. cinnamon.. apples.. and Dracos cologne. I think I might be gay but.. ugh, I don't know Ginny.. can you just keep this secret and.. please.." Harry speaks quickly while panicking.

"Woah Harry that's.. that's a lot of information to take in wow.. but don't worry, I support you I always will.."

Ginny smiles a soft, gentle smile before hugging Harry. Harry hugs back and he smiles too.

"Thanks Ginny.. means a lot.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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