Spin the bottle

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If there was one thing all students at Ridgewood High could agree on, it was that Bryan Anderson threw the best parties. If you managed to snag an invite, you were officially part of the popular crowd. And if you didn't get one of those coveted spots? Well, then you were just out of luck.

Well, I had managed to snag an invite because of my bestfriend, but I couldn't quite grasp the hype. The air was thick with anticipation as everyone gathered around the crackling bonfire in Bryan's backyard. Neon lights strung up in every direction and bathed the scene in a kaleidoscope of colors, casting shadows that danced to the beat of the pulsating music. The DJ— one of the kids from my class who did it as a side gig—was stationed near the makeshift dance floor. He pumped out a mix of hip-hop and EDM, the bass thumping so loud you could feel it reverberating in your chest.

As the night wore on, the scent of bonfire smoke mingled with the intoxicating smell of booze that hung in the air. Everywhere you looked, there were couples lost in each other's embrace, stealing kisses under the twinkling string lights that adorned the backyard. It was a scene straight out of a movie, equal parts surreal and exhilarating.

Amidst the sea of bodies, I found myself torn between two conflicting emotions: on one hand, there was a sense of repulsion at the sight of so much PDA, but on the other hand, there was an undeniable longing to be part of the romance unfolding around me. As the night stretched on, I couldn't help but wonder if I was missing out on something by keeping my distance, or if maybe, just maybe, I was better off observing from the sidelines. Was it because I was scared of intimacy? Or was this feeling something else entirely?

"Hey, Henry, what are you doing here all by yourself?" Piper's voice pierced through the music, startling me.

I turned to face her, taking in her appearance. She looked stunning in that black mini dress, her stilettos adding an extra edge to her look. Those giant hoop earrings somehow emphasized the colors of her eyes.

"Just creeping around, watching the lovebirds," I said with a half-smile, trying to shake off the loneliness that seemed to settle in.

Piper chuckled. "You're such a babygirl, Henry. But seriously, why not go talk to someone? Rumor has it that Natasha's back on the market after ditching the hot biker college dude."

"Natasha broke up?" I glanced at her and she nodded.

"Yes, shoo now and talk to her!" Piper egged on.

I snorted. "Yeah, right. It'd be a joke if I approached her. She's way out of my league."

The thing is I've never experienced having multiple crushes while growing up the way biology dictates us to have in a heteronormative society. I would feel fleeting waves of temporary attraction but it's like finding a girl's face or body aesthetically appealing nothing deeper than that.

If I have to say a name at gunpoint though, then the only person I ever had a crush on would be Natasha.

We were more like childhood acquaintances than friends if I'm being honest. She lived just two blocks away from me, and our older brothers played on the same football team. Despite our proximity, our interactions were limited to the occasional nod or wave in the hallway.

Natasha was the epitome of the 'it girl' in our school year – tall, blonde, and conventionally attractive. She had that effortless coolness about her, the kind that could have landed her on the cover of a magazine if she wanted. People were drawn to her like moths to a flame, and I couldn't quite understand why. Sure, she was beautiful, but there was more to her than just her looks.

My crush on Natasha started in middle school and persisted through the years. It took me a while to see beyond her exterior and realize that she was more than just the prettiest cheerleader everyone wanted to date. She was kind and compassionate, with a warmth that drew people to her like a magnet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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