Where the hell is Yoongi?

Jungkook turned to him and said, "Don't worry, hyung. Yoongi hyung will come back soon. He's probably just blowing off the steam somewhere."

Jin let out another heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know, but I can't help but worry. Especially after what happened last time." He said, refering to the time Yoongi got locked up.

Taehyung's expression softened, understanding his concern. He then started to tell him everything that happened, "It's all that senior's fault, hyung."

"He even pushed me off the stairs today, but Yoongi hyung saved me just in time. And then, in the cafeteria, he poured worms on Yoongi hyung's plate and hit him. He even drenched us both with a bucket of cold water and badmouthed us."

Jin's expression darkened as he listened. "That's unacceptable," he muttered.

Jungkook chimed in. "Why are there bullies like that in every college?" he asked, his brows furrowed in disbelief. "It really doesn't feel fair."

Jin leaned back as he closed his eyes, trying control his anger. "Let's wait for a few more hours," he said wearily, rubbing his temples as he glanced at the clock.


Seconds passed, minutes passed, and still, there was no sign of Yoongi. With each passing moment, Jin's worry deepened, his mind racing with all sorts of possibilities.

As the clock struck 8:30 p.m., Jin stood up, "Track his mobile." He told the maknae as he couldn't wait for any longer.

Jungkook nodded, swiftly pulling out his own phone to begin the tracking process.

As he started, he frowned as he looked at the signal, "It seems like he is quite far away. The signal is very low but I can track it soon."

After a few tense minutes, he finally managed to pinpoint the location and immediately relayed the information to Jin - it was a bar.

Upon hearing this, Jin's frown deepened.

"It shows that it might take up to 35 minutes even if you go by your car. You should hurry up, hyung." Tae said, sitting beside his sub.

With that, Jin quickly instructed them to stay home and call him if Yoongi returned.

He then grabbed his keys and headed out to his car as he started to drive.

While driving, his mind raced with worry and various scenarios of what could have happened to Yoongi.

What if the senior from earlier is the one dragged Yoongi to the bar?

What if Yoongi had gotten into any fight again, or worse, been locked up somewhere?

These thoughts scared him as his heart pounded with worry.

After a while, he reached the bar and entered with his heart still racing. But then confusion washed over him as he scanned the empty surroundings, save for one figure seated at a table.

It was Yoongi.

Relief flooded Jin's chest at the sight of him, but it quickly turned to frustration as he realized Yoongi was drinking alone. He was worried sick but here, the mafia seemed like he didn't care at all.

Approaching him, he noticed the bar owner standing nearby, nervously pouring Yoongi more soju and the younger gesturing for the owner to leave.

As soon as he went near him, he stopped in his track as he heard some mumblings. Words of self-condemnation and despair filled the air.

He overheard the murmurs from behind. "Why is my life like this?" Yoongi muttered, his voice strained. "Why am I like this? Why is everyone so cruel? Just why?"

"I always bring trouble to others," he muttered again, his words heavy with self-blame.

His voice slight trembled, the words filled with bitterness and frustration. "First, the government did me cruel by marking me as a sub, shattering my dignity and pride," he said. "Then, I have to go to another man's mansion as his sub, not knowing anyone. And even there, I have to look brave and confident, or else someone will take advantage of me."

His words echoed, filled with a sense of anguish and despair. "Why does it have to be me who has to work hard all the time?" He continued, his voice growing more strained. "Why does it have to be me who suffers all alone? Why do all the bad things happen to me? Why does my pride have to go shattered which I built for many fucking years?"

Each question hung heavy in the air, reflecting his inner cries and the weight of his struggles.

"Why am I always the one who gets hurt?" His words were choked with pain. "Why does nobody understand what I go through? Why do I have to bear this burden alone?"

"I don't deserve to be loved," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm just a burden to everyone around me."

Each word carried the weight of years of his internal suffering and self-doubt.

He then closed his eyes as he uttered the next words. "I don't even deserve to live," he murmured, his tone heavy with hopelessness. "I have no one."

Jin's heart clenched at that and without hesitation, he stepped infront of Yoongi. "Who says you don't deserve to live?" His tone was firm, demanding an answer. "Do you even realize your worth? Do you even know how much you mean to me?"

Yoongi got startled at his sudden appearance. He struggled to find his voice as no words came out.

"You have me, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and many others. I was worried sick about you at home. What's even troubling you? How long do you plan to keep everything bottled up inside?"

Yoongi's stammered, squeezing his eyes shut as he leaned back. "H-How are you even here?" he asked, his words barely audible. "How do you always show up when I'm feeling like this?"

"I am just trying to help," Jin said softly. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Yoongi sighed softly. "It all just feels so heavy," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't like to share... about my dark sides."

"Why though?" Jin asked gently, his brow furrowed with concern.

Yoongi hesitated, grappling with his own insecurities. "I just..I don't want you to hate me," he admitted. "I'm scared... that everyone will think I'm a monster."

"If you feel uncomfortable sharing, why don't I tell you my own secret first?" Jin suggested as he smiled. "Then you can share yours after. And trust me, mine might sound even more awful than yours. But who knows?"

Yoongi blinked. "What do you mean?" he asked with curiosity. "What secret?"

Jin then removed his long coat and gently draped it over the mafia's head that covered most of his body as it felt really chilling there. As Yoongi huddled in the coat, he settled himself next to him, his expression soft yet filled with guilt.

With a soft smile, Jin began, "Before I met you,

...I had another sub."


New thing unlocked :

Jin's secret : He already had a sub before he bought Yoongi.

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