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when thier gaze feel on naina, who was looking at them with a smile on her face which could enchant the enchanter himself. Both were brought back by dronacharya's voice for them to start the dual


Author Pov

Both of them started to fight with all thier might but duryodhan defeated nakul and cheers of duryodhan was heard, nakul then again joined his hands infront of his mother and went from the arena then the arrow was again shot to find the next prince who would compete duryodhan, the wheel turned and the arrow stopped at the name of sehdev. Ashwatthama announced sehdev's name loude for him to enter

Soon a man with an axe came in the arena and the chantings of his name could be heard, he went towards his mother and bowed down to her but just like his brother his eyes couldn't leave the beauty of the girl sitting besides his mata who was smiling at him. He felt a sence of proudness as she was smiling at him. After taking his Mata's blessings the dual began.

Naina pov

The fight began but sehdev lost, mata gandhari asked bua who won and replied it was duryodhan, I could sense bua kunti was sad but I could just smile at her and nod my head in assurance, sehdev again came and joined his hands in front of bua and went. I between the competition I felt an intense stair on me, I shifted my gaze from sehdev to look through the arena to find two pair of eyes staring at me, one was duryodhan and other was ashwatthama.Just then the arrow was again shot and this time it was yudhishthir.

Kunti: why is no other Kaurava brother coming why is it just my putra?

Naina: bua it's ok, maybe the competition is not between Kauravas or Pandavas but between maharaj dhrishtratha and maharaj pandu

Dushala: how so jiji?, Pitashree has not come down to the arena and will kakashree come down from the heavens?

Gandhari: mon raho dushala

Mata gandhari said she knew what my words Meant but didn't want to accept it just then yudhishthir came and joined his hands infront of bua but something was odd he was also staring at me, what is it with the pandu putra dronaputra and duryodhan staring at me?, These men are seriously very weird. I was now slowly getting bored as I new what was going to happen and just like that yudhishthir lost because of his so called Dharma this man is no doubt good but at times his dharma comes in between and iski ma behen ke kar deti hai

Nakul pov

Bhrata yudhishthir was also defeated, but it was fine as it was just a competition and nothing serious. Bharat came towards us and we greeted him and say on our places. When sehdev looked at us

Sehdev: nakul, bhrata who is the girl that is sitting besides mata?

Yudhishthir: I don't know nakul but that lady is indeed pretty just like an apsara

Nakul: I agree bhrata when I entered first I couldn't take my eyes of her same with bhrata duryodhan

Just then the earth started trembling and I knew it was bhrata Bheem who entered and greeted mata but just like us his eyes also caught the glimpse of the beauty sitting besides mata who was smiling, she smiled at all of us when we had arrived, her smile was reminding of the moon rays that bright up the dark sky just like that brightening our dark worlds. I was soo lost thinking about her that I missed how bhrata bheem managed to bleed duryodhan and yup he got disqualified, ahh I missed a great sight but it was nothing compared to the girl besides mata.

Soon bhrata came and sat besides us and asked the same question as sehdev to which our reply was the same but there was something about this girl that we were so drawn to her

Naina pov

Bheem was disqualified and now it was time for Arjun to come in the arena now this was going to be interesting as with Arjun, karna as well would appear. Arjun was at the entrance of the arena when drona charya shot an arrow and the rocks collapsed on him, well it was so sudden even tho I knew I got up with ladies, kunti bua was shock and a tear escaped her eyes just then an arrow came flying and collected the tear and went back to its owner who was Arjun, came out of those rocks and applied the collected tear of his mata on his forehead as a tilak

Chantings of his name could be heard all around the arena, I smiled at it cause Arjun was indeed a good archer just like his brother karna. When Arjun bhrata shot an arrow which turned into many arrows and each arrow landed near the feet of elders in a way taking thier blessings every one was proud of him but suddenly he again shot an arrow at our direction, when the arrow reached above my head it turned into a flower shower, I was shock at what happened and looked at Arjun who was smiling at me and then winked at me, even before I could react, bua took my hand and made me sit on my seat while Arjun greeted his guru and began fighting, well it was a good fight but in the end Arjun shot an arrow and froze duryodhan on his spot and again his name was chanted

Drona: I am proud of you Arjun, you have proved that you are the best not only in the kuru family or in the entire aryavart but also in the entire world

Arjun: thank you guru drona but it was  impossible without you

Drona: now release duryodhan putra

Just as Arjun was going to shot an arrow to release him another arrow came and release him, karna it was karna he had finally arrived, I am super excited but then again he will get criticised should I do something, I guess I should

Drona: who are you? And how dare you shot an arrow without any permission!?

Karna: parvato kai beech jab koi dhvani karta hai aacharya, taab prati dhvani avashya hi uth ti hai parvat kisi ki aagya ki pratiksha nahi karta

So how was it Pandavas and karna are finally in let's gooo, and do u want more of naina's pov or Pandavas or author's, do vote and comment ok bye love you all ✨💜💜

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