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Harry wondered how much truth was there in Snape's words. If Snape really did finish the Blood-Replenishing Potions and put them in his drawers, then there was no way that Professor Bridgewood would look for it there. Professors' desk drawers were considered personal, so it would be very rude of her to look inside and Professor Bridgewood seemed like the epitome of respect and politeness. Unless Professor Snape told her to, which was as likely as a Gringotts goblin smiling at you with a greeting of 'Hullo there, good chap. Fancy seeing you here today. Would you like a cup of tea?'.

Besides, Harry knew – from numerous detention sessions spent cleaning every nook and cranny of the Potions classroom – that Snape kept his potions at the bottom of the ingredients cabinet. Still, he knew how to take a hint, so he had quickly made his exit to leave Draco to his godfather. He decided that by the way Snape had so obviously belied the importance of getting the potion, he was in no hurry to complete that task yet. He still had time to take a much-needed shower and finally get out of these school robes.

(Honestly, he really was rather curious though, as to what Snape had to tell Draco.)

Now newly-showered, he made his way towards the dungeons. Ron and Hermione still weren't in the common room, something he wasn't surprised about because ever since they got together, officially, they had moments where they would suddenly disappear off somewhere. Probably for some time alone without Harry Not Looking at Them whenever they'd snog. Harry didn't mind, really. In fact, he thought it rather sweet, just... hard to get used to. Especially since they were his two best friends, but he reckoned he'd learn to get used to it in time.

As he crossed the Entrance Hall to get to the staircase leading to the dungeons, he saw Professor Bridgewood and Morgan talking just outside the Great Hall. Professor Bridgewood was looking as timidly polite as always, and Morgan was talking animatedly to her with a big sunshine grin on his face.

"I'm happy for you, Professor! You shouldn't let those lads get your knickers in a bunch!"

Professor Bridgewood turned a rich scarlet. "My... my knickers?" she asked, aghast.

Morgan had the decency to look sheepish. "Oh, sorry, Professor. Some students o'er in the Greenhouse were talking, and I thought it was funny. Muggle idioms are amusing, aren't they? Very crass," he said, grinning mischievously.

Harry nodded his greeting to them when he passed by.

Morgan's face immediately lit up like the sun. It tended to do that whenever he'd start talking to anyone. "Yo, 'Arry! Have ye seen Neville? Poor lad's stressing himself out in the Greenhouse but wait till ye see what we're doing!"

"I'm excited, sir," Harry said politely, a grin on his face as he remembered Neville's overjoyed expression last week when he first told them about the Greenhouse Project, so dubbed by Ron. Professor Sprout, delighted with her two assistants, gave them Greenhouse 3 to re-decorate as they wish. Oftentimes, Neville would show up for breakfast dazed and half-awake as it ate up a lot of his free time, but everyone could see that he was enjoying what he was doing. "And no, I haven't seen him yet today."

"Well, tell 'im Morgan here's looking for 'im! Thanks, 'Arry!" Morgan said, waving wildly. "And congratulations on getting together with that Malfoy lad!"

Professor Bridgewood squeaked.

Harry immediately spluttered, eyes wide and face burning. "We're not –"

"Oh, Neville, there ye are!" Morgan exclaimed, oblivious to both of his companion's scandalized expressions.

Neville was running down the stairs to reach them, and as he neared, he quickly started apologizing. "Sorry," he said sheepishly, panting slightly. "Trevor got lost again."

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