-CH 2-

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A decade had passed since Draco last laid eyes on her, laid eyes on the real her, not just a mere photograph. Still the memory of Vinnie remained vivid and etched like an icicle impaling the snow in his mind. Every detail of her existence was eternally imprinted within him. He could still envision the way her hair danced with the wind, cascading in waves as they found solace in the astronomy tower. It was in that moment, on the morning of their first kiss, when he was intoxicated by more than just alcohol. If only she had realized his feelings sooner, perhaps they could have devised a plan together. They would've escaped from their burdens much more earlier, leaving everything behind to live in the muggle world. They could have erased all memories of their former lives and embark on a secluded existence, growing their own crops and finding sustenance with livestock. But Draco deemed it too cruel—for Vinnie. She had people who loved her, people who held greater significance in her life than he did.

Shaking his head, Draco rose from his chair, gathering multiple piles of files and arranging them with a tap on the table. With a determined stride, he left the room. The Malfoy Manor belonged to him now, a symbol of his heritage. Blaise, Pansy, Lorenzo, and Luna had been residing in the Manor for the past five years, occasionally returning to their own homes. They had taken up residence when Draco discovered faint traces that Vinnie might still be alive. Even with no security of it, they still are there as a helping hand. These years had been exhausting, but Draco never faltered in his pursuit. He vowed to himself that he would never give up, for his love for her was too profound.

"Draco," Pansy's voice broke through his thoughts. She maintained the same hairstyle since their school days, a constant reminder of the past that had shaped them. While much had changed—such as Pansy and Blaise, and Luna and Enzo being engaged, Harry and Ginny having two children, and Hermione and Ron having a child—some things remained familiar. Draco pushed aside the thoughts and focused on Pansy, who was panting for breath. He hadn't noticed it first hand.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.

"No! Bloody hell!" Pansy exclaimed, resting her hands on her knees and raising a hand to signal for Draco to wait. After catching her breath, she grabbed his face with a mixture of sternness and care. "Listen to me very carefully." Draco nodded in response. "Someone is outside."

Draco's heart raced, almost palpitating within his chest. His eyes widened, and he was about to speak, but Pansy swiftly covered his mouth with both hands. "And no, don't get your hopes up. It's not Vinnie."

"Oh." The disappointment in his voice was palpable.

"But it is someone who has been gone as long as Vinnie has," Pansy added. Draco reached up to remove her hands from his cheek.

"Is it—" his words were cut off by a loud sound, followed by the aggressive knocking on the door. The both looked at where the sound was from. Two voices could be heard conversing, one loud and demanding, the other calm and soothing. Pansy and Draco exchanged glances before racing down the seemingly endless hallway toward the entrance of the Manor. As they ran, their pace drawing them closer, the voices became clearer, allowing Draco and Pansy to discern the words being exchanged. The fervent urgency in the loud voice resonated through the air, reaching their ears with startling clarity.


"Hun, let us maintain our composure. It is probable that he will be taken aback by your sudden, uhmm, re-appearance, and it would not serve our purpose for you to behave in such a manner."

"Do I look like I care? No! I do not care. He was used to it, and he will be again soon enough."

"But darling, a tantrum would not be in our best interest."

"If a tantrum is what it takes to get him out of this stupid house, then a tantrum is what he'll get. DRACO MALFOY!"

After what felt like an eternity, they finally arrived at the front door. Draco waved his hand, and two house-elves rushed to open the heavy door, their struggle evident but successful. Draco bowed his head in gratitude.

As he stepped outside, he was greeted by scattered leaves and flowers, and gargoyles strewn across the ground. Lifting his head, Draco's eyes widened as he caught sight of the owner of the aggressive voice. "Nova?!"

A slender figure stood behind her, holding Nova's hand back.


Astoria offered an awkward smile and greeted him with a hesitant "hi...?"

A few chapters have been far STUCK in the  drafts and with me being me (an impatient b!tch) I'd gathered I'll update sooner than the allotted update time <33

Also! Please check out the teaser/synopsis of my original story T^T. I'll stick with uploading it on my birthday (October 1st) but I'm really pouring SO MUCH effort into it that I'll literally break down into tears if it flops TT. It's in my profile, the title is THE SCOUNDREL'S SENTENCE:THE MIDDLE OF VEN BOOK1.

also, I can't believe some actually stayed in the journey of this fanfic that they've stayed until the 2nd book?!?!!? I LOVE YOU ALL!!

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