S2 PT2: The Beginning

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The Spire

"Fuck! We dont have much time!!!
SO! How do we stop N from meeting Uzi!"
Olga pulls out her phone
"Lets see. Gamer_Dee
... Uh huh.
ThUzi it is? Haven't considered that..."

Olga rubs her head and writes something down on her notepad.

"Aighty. Gotta hurry up, first of all we can't let N meet Uzi first!"
Olga deploys her wings
"Lucky i am, that i was designed as a dissasembly drone OC. hehehehe!"

Olga puts her sniple rifle on her back and flies up to the skies. On extreme speeds, she flies towards the colony, first objective! Intercept N.

Olga soars through the skies and looks for N flying around. As she approaches the colony, Olga instantenously stops and stands on a skyscraper's roof. She loads an HE round in her rifle.

"Now... we wait! He'll be here any second now!"

As N starts to be visible in the distance, Olga quickscopes his wing, causing the dissasembly drone to lose balance and plummet to the ground.

"We dont have much time before he regenerates. Uh. What now... "

"Uzi is supposed to be running away from her colony right now! We gotta obstruct her path!"

The overzealous eNVy-drone proceeds to fly to the colony's gates. Shit! She can't enter!

"Uzi's gonna be there any minute now! Gotta hurry up!"


"Narrator, shut the fuck up! And help me!"

Uh. Uhm. Lemee check YT real quick.

"We don't have time for that-"

Aha! I dont think they fixed that hole yet. Its episode 3.

"Does. It. Look. Like, that i know what HOLE are you talking about?"

The one N made in the pilot after Uzi got J killed!

"Got it, thank u :3"

I'll return to narrating, ahem. Olga now with my help flies over the gates and looks for the breach in the colony. Aaand it is right there. We didnt even have to look...

Olga flies through the hole. Everyone is at the prom right now, so there is no one to see her!
She hangs on the ceiling via her tail and reloads her sniper rifle. AP round. Here we go!

"Just wait for it..."

Very COINCIDENTIALLY and CONVENIENTLY, Thad needs to go to the restroom, he walks through this sector of the colony, Uzi will appear here at any second now!
Olga hangs on the ceiling in the dark, no one can see her... Thad makes his way through the massive entrance sector, And Uzi runs out of a hallway! Panicked.

Olga scopes a random janitor. Causing Thad to stop in shock. Olga quickly reloads her rifle and scopes Uzi's leg, she shrieks and falls to the ground. Olga did that ao that Thad notices her.
(Annd maybe just for EVERYTHING contributing to NxUzi too.)

"Take that, purple shit..." whispering to herself

"Zi! Are... Are you okay? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to he at the prom with Doll and Liz?" Thad holds Uzi's arm and examines her leg.

"I'm fine! J-just let me go! I... I gotta meet N!" Uzi groans in pain, oil flows out of the wound.

Thad examines it, it seems to have been caused by a bullet. Olga quickly lowers her visor's brightness and closes herself with her wings. They stop glowing neon yellow, and now she has become one with the darkness of the ceiling. Thad and Uzi look at the ceiling in hopes to find the one who could've inflicted the shot.

"It... It must be V. Thad. D-doll and Lizzy are planning to let her kill everyone at the prom! Robo-jesus!"

Thad quickly helps Uzi get and walks with her to the gates. They gotta find N!

"Nuh uh." Olga whispers to herself.

She silently crawls along the ceiling, and follows the duo. As they are about to open the last gate, Olga shoots the control panel from behind a crate.

Uzi desperately tries to use her master key but the control panel has already lost all power and turned off.

"No! Who did that!?!"

"Zi! Someone must be watching!"

"V! Show yourself!"

Olga chuckles to herself and quickly crawls away, staying silent and stealthy. So that no one sees her. If anyone from the MD series ever interacted with her. An OC, That... would be really embarassing, and could alter the plotline a little bit too much.

Olga makes her way to the prom, she uses the backdoor that V is supposed to use. Lands in a dark corner and hides.

Alright. N and Uzi won't meet up. Thad and Uzi are making their way over here right now. Perfect! Absolutely perfect.

Now. All Olga has to wait for, is for Doll to attack V. She must stealthily aid Uzi and Thad if they begin to lose. After all, V's life is hanging in this episode-

"Narrator. Shh. Could you check on where is N?"

Alright alright. Camera cuts to scene outside the colony
N just regenerated his wing and resumes his journey to the colony. Who couldve shot him!?! Doesn't matter. He can't let V massacare the prom and the workers! And his dapper outfit is now all snowy! Ugh!

N lands at the first gate. He has to open it somehow.
Knocks again.
"Oh robo jesus... what now..?"

N uses his claws to try and disengage the hydraulic gates like he did last time, but he had an opening back then. Right now, the door is fully sealed and there is no way he can just disengage them.

N has to look for another way through!

Note: keep making suggestions on what shall Olga do next. We must make eNVy canoon!

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