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I opened the TV but Charles appeared closing it and he smiled at me

"What are you doing?" I asked and Valentine agreed letting a small scream

"No TV for little Valentine!" Charles said smiling and our daughter started kicking her legs

"Yeah we put her some entertainment shows for kids when she wakes up" I giggled "What is wrong with you the last couple of days?"

"Nothing Marta! Nothing!" Charles sat next to me

"You hide something from me! They all know except me!" I had red eyes because I wanted to cry "Tell me please"

"Okay" Charles sighed "They found out about your amnesia and the media are getting crazy saying that I did on purpose because I cheated on you and I wanted you to forget that"

"You didn't cheat on me, right?" I asked smiling

"I would never cheat on you! I love you Marta" Charles kissed my forehead

"But why didn't you tell me about it? It's not something wow!" I laughed ironically "I thought that we didn't have secrets from each other"

"Yeah I'm sorry I had to tell you but I wanted to protect you" Charles squeezed my hand

"If you want me to forgive you then take care of Valentine while I'll be out for shopping with Charlotte!" I passed Valentine at him and I stood up

"Little cheeky girl!" Charles laughed "Go and have fun"

"I also have photoshoot with APM Monaco at 6 PM" I smiled at him "Proud of me?"

"I am always proud of you" Charles winked at me

I walked in my closet to change clothes for the shopping trip with Charlotte, I changed, said bye to Charles and Valentine and walked in the place where I'll meet Charlotte

I found her waiting for me and I walked there we hugged and started walking

"Charles told me" I said as we stopped in front of Tommy Hilfiger "Why did he hide this from me?"

"I know it's so stupid and we all were trying to make him tell you but he didn't want!" Charlotte said ironically "You had to know! What if someone stopped you on the road and telling you this! It'll be embarrassing for you and you would be mad at Charles for hiding this from you"

"Charles is so amazing but he's overprotective and that's definitely a red flag" I giggled softly "He's a good father and boyfriend but no absolutely no!"

We got in the store and we shopped for us and also for Valentine, Charles told me that I am not that shopping person but I like them

"Look at this little dress!" Charlotte stopped in front of Dolce Gabbana "It'll be perfect for Valentine and I'll buy it for her!"

"Best aunt ever!" I laughed and we got in the store, Charlotte bought the dress for Valentine and I bought a T-Shirt for Charles

Then we decided keep walking and buy half of Monaco! After three hours we needed some lunch so we decided go in a burger restaurant

"Will you go in Saudi Arabia?" Charlotte asked

"No I don't think so! I need to go in London for a photoshoot with Ralph Lauren in the Tower of London" I smiled proudly "Join me if you want!"

"Sounds good I'll try be there" Charlotte nodded smiling

"I was thinking letting Valentine to Pascale and then spend some time together in London!" I said enthusiastic "It'll be fantastic!"

"Deal! I'll come with you!" Charlotte laughed


I unlocked the door of the house and we got in, Lorenzo and Arthur were there

The time now is 8 PM, we spend too much time shopping

"Hello guys!" I kissed Charles

"Hello girls!" Arthur winked at me

"Valentine?" I asked "We bought her clothes, shoes and bed sheets"

"Did you have fun?" Charles asked

"Yeah it was amazing!" I looked at the Tv "Champions League?"

"Yeah! We just ordered pizzas and ice cream" Charles took me sit on his lap "I'm sure you'll like them!"

"And we're hungry" I laughed and I looked at Charlotte

"We are!" She agreed laughing

"I put Valentine to sleep! My little lab!" Arthur sighed smiling "She grows up too fast!"

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