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"Food's ready!" I announced and Charles came having Valentine as an aeroplane on the air

"Vrooooom! Valentine is an aeroplane!" Charles was saying and little girl was laughing being on her dad's arms

"We should have dinner now" I laughed sitting on my seat on the bar "Charles?"

"Yeah!" Charles placed Valentine sit on her baby seat "I will eat and feed her at the same time"

"Go for it" I nodded laughing "You used to do this?"

"All the time! You said that I am the best man and dad" Charles smiled

"You are" I kissed his lips softly "Let's have our dinner now because Valentine could eat us instead of her food!"

"Oh you're right!" Charles agreed laughing

We had our dinner all together and then Charles had a phone call and walked away, I grabbed Valence from her seat to wash her mouth and hands

"Dad is hiding something from mom!" I said to her "Mom really want to knows what!"

After I ended with Valentine I walked with her in the bathroom to shower her, Charles was in the guest's room next to the bathroom so I could here his conversation but it was in French

So I walked in the bathroom and made Valentine ready to wash her cute small body

As I ended Charles walked in the bathroom

"Is my little girl ready to sleep?" Charles asked and I turned having Valentine with the pink towel around her body "Oh My Gosh! You are the cutest thing alive! Look at those eyes!"

"You are crazy for her" I laughed walking out of the bathroom "I'm sorry but she'll get sick if we stand there with you playing with her"

"Yeah I know it!" Charles agreed

We walked all together in her bedroom to change her into her pyjamas, I changed her and Charles chose a book to read

"I will make her milk" I smiled and walked in the kitchen, I did her milk placing it into a baby bottle, as I walked back Valentine had lean to Charles' arm  and he was stroking her back

"She needs to sleep!" Charles laughed "Give me the bottle"

"Good Night baby" I kissed her hair and I walked in the bedroom

I grabbed my phone and called Charlotte, if someone knows what has happened to Charles is probably her


"Hi Charlotte! How are you?" I sat on the couch

"I am good! Just arrived in the house from Italy! You? Charles? Little Valentine?"

"We all are good, Charles put Valentine to sleep and I'm sitting alone on the couch! Actually I wanted to ask you something because I'm really thoughtful!" I sighed

"Ask me whatever you want! I can answer!"

"Thank God!" I giggled "Charles is always talking on his phone and when I asked him when we came back from Bahrain and he said that he wants to protect me and something other bullshits!"

"Yeah Ehm..." Charlotte was confused and couldn't answer "I can't answer to this I know for what are you talking about! Charles told us don't speak but what I can say is that you don't have to be stressed about it! I think that he shouldn't hide this from you!"

"Okay I won't pressure you more! Do you want go for shopping tomorrow morning? Charles can look for Valentine" I asked

"Of course I can! I need some new clothes!" Charlotte laughed

"I will text you for tomorrow! Good night!"

"Good Night!"

I hanged up, I let the phone on the coffee table and I sighed, I won't reassure if I won't learn what Charles is hiding from me!

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