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Fan and Lightbulb were starting the first episode of their new comedy show,attempting to prank Test Tube and Paintbrush. Lightbulb wanted to get a certain paintbrush first. "I got this,don't worry. Painty is always easy for me to read." Lightbulb exclaimed. She walked up and sat to Paintbrush and started talking about random topics and held their hand,and that's when the prank victim had been ensnared in the trap. Paintbrush was shocked,and Lightbulb and Fan were bursting out laughing maniacally. "LIGHTBULB! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Paintbrush screamed in rage,it was pretty funny how mad me got. "Uhhh,that's simple, Paintbrush! Because it's funny?"Lightbulb said. If Paintbrush had looks that could kill,Lightbulb would already be dead. When Paintbrush left,Fan ran to talk to Lightbulb. "I got it on tape! We got our first episode!" Fan excitedly declared. Now,they had to find someone else who would be perfect to prank. And that person that they picked was Test Tube. Fan knew Test Tube better than Lightbulb did,so he put on a shock button and walked up to her. They had a decently long chat about the wonders of science and all that nerd stuff until the fan hugged her back and shocked her. "YOWCH!" Test Tube yelled. "Relax,you'll be fine, Test Tube." Test Tube was still pretty angry at Fan and decided to walk away."Testy,c'mon! I didn't mean it!" Fan said. "I don't want to talk to you right now anymore,Fan Skies." Test Tube declared. Instead of dwelling on it,Fan asked Lightbulb if she got it on tape,which she did. "Alright! We got two episodes in one day! This pranking stuff is going so much better than I would of ever imagined in my life! I can't believe it." The two of them published the videos,and to their surprise, The videos were very popular! It seems like the show would go on.

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