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a/n: i give up

You were awoken from a pleasant dream whose contents you could not remember by banging on the room door. When Ryosuke only groaned and mumbled something violent in response, you realized that it fell to you to see what was happening. Yawning and rubbing your eyes, you rolled out of bed and stumbled over to the entrance, swinging it open to find a straight-faced Reo and a playfully irritated May.

"What happened to not sleeping, huh?" May said, poking you in the forehead.

"We weren't sleeping," you said, though your statement was punctuated by another yawn, somewhat detracting from its validity.

"That's believable," Reo said.

"Oh, that's enough out of you," you said. "What's up? Why're you guys here?"

"We were going to show you around, remember?" May said.

"You weren't answering our texts and calls, so we came to see how you were doing in person," Reo said, his expression uncharacteristically sour.

"Don't mind him," May said. "He's just mad because he lost one of our bets."

"What was it this time?" you said. For as long as they had been acquainted, Reo and May had constantly been making lighthearted bets against one another, and it seemed that even with their wedding looming so close, their games had not ceased any.

"It was a stupid bet," Reo grumbled. "I was so sure I was going to win, but my own best friend betrayed me!"

"Me?" you said, pointing at yourself. "What, because I fell asleep? Did you seriously bet I was going to stay awake? You should've known better."

"So you were asleep!" May said.

"Er," you said. "Well, there's no point in hiding it. Yeah, we were."

"Shame on you," May said.

"Actually, I'm talking about Nagi," Reo said. "I bet that he wouldn't come to dinner with all of us later tonight, because it would be way too much of a chore."

"That's a pretty sensible option," you said. "He doesn't really do things unless they're easy for him."

"Exactly my point!" Reo said. "See? I'm not stupid!"

"Maybe neither of you know him as well as I do," May said with a mysterious shrug. "I guessed he was going to come, and guess what? He is!"

"It's just not plausible for you to know him better than me!" Reo said. "Y/N, sure, that makes sense. She barely ever talked to him, so it's not impossible for you to have the upper hand if you're betting against her. But me? Me? That's — it's — it's just preposterous, that's what it is!"

"He's taking this pretty personally," you observed.

"I know," May said. "It's really funny. Every time I pretend like I might know more than him about you or Nagi, he freaks out. The trick is that most of the time, he actually does win bets involving the two of you. I just really ham up the few times that I do win, so it seems like I'm some kind of clairvoyant genius or something."

"Maybe you're not clairvoyant, but you're definitely comedic," you said. "I'm grateful you're the one marrying him. He needs someone that keeps him on his toes."

"It's a duty I take seriously," she said. "Anyways, is that fiancé of yours going to come with us or not?"

"Oh, right," Reo said, his anger dissipating entirely. "That was the other question. Will he want to be there?"

"I'll make him come to dinner for sure," you said. "I don't know if he'll want to go shopping, though. I can ask."

"You don't have to," May said.

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