My baby wife

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Adam was originally having a peaceful day eating his breakfast ribs drowned in hot sauce and sipping on a chocolate shake.....until sera showed up and now found himself in a nursery surrounded by sleeping angel babies.

"What the shit is this, Sera?" Adam stared at the higher up angel.

"Shhhh lower your voice and stop swearing Adam."

"Look sorry what am I here for?""

"You know how every 50 years you complain about wanting a new wife." Sera comments folding her arms.

"Yeah because Lucifer literally fucked both my last two wives!" Adam remarked.

"Again Adam, first bad language." Sera sighed in annoyance. "2nd the council and I have agreed to give you a new wife."

Adam's eyes widened with excitement. "Yes! thank you! No more depressed eating, spending lonely nights in bed and buying random chicks dinner in exchange for sex!"

"We all knew ,you would be excited." Sera exclaimed happily. "Now you can start by choosing one of these babies to be your bride and the ceremony can begin."

Time slowly stopped as Adam processed everything that sera said. "What did you say!? You damn bitches want to turn me into a sick baby fucker like my descendents in hell!"

"Language! This is heaven not hell, Don't worry she'll be 18 before you know it and while you're at it you'll get to train her to be an obedient wife." Sera smirked. "Don't know what you're complaining about, you're just getting what you always wanted after your last two marriage failures."

"Are you serious? Okay this is totally a prank! where is Lucifer with the camera?" Adam looks over his shoulder to see a cooing baby angel staring at him from her crib.

"Lucifer is in hell running a kingdom and you have 24 hours until this deal expires." Sera remarks leaving Adam with the babies.

Adam sighs turning around to look at the individual cribs. "Oh! Fuck my life!"


Later that night.

Adam made certain to keep the baby bundled and close to his chest as he entered the town by flight. He was eyed suspiciously, but most of the angels just went about their business.

Once he was in the safety of his penthouse, he relaxed and laid the baby bundle on his bed.
She's was beautiful as an angel child could be. Her cheeks round and pale, tiny floof of white hair, a small pair of black and white wings , golden eyes that looked up at him without his helmet, with curiosity and innocence. Not fear. Not repulsion. as far as this baby angel knew, he was the most interesting person in heaven.

"Look little turtle dove, I'm sorry for everything and screwing up your life." Adam scratches the back of his brown hair nervously. "Even if you turn 18, I just want you to know that I'm not going to force you to do anything unless you think you're ready."

The baby girl happily coos in response.


One week later.

The baby angel girl was a nightmare , and Adam should know better he and eve had way over 50 kids and grandkids.
she would have her tiny wings flapping angrily and cry the moment he left her alone in her crib to shower, get her bath and baby formula ready, eat ribs or jerk off to porn magazines, so everyday he have to end up playing her a soft lullaby with his favorite instrument a lute the point that's what he ended up naming his new bride.


Before Adam realized it a full two years passed.

Sera quietly opened the front door to the penthouse and smiled at the sight that greeted her. A plate of a actual homemade slices of roast and cut up baked potatos were on the counter, the living room and the bedroom was surprisingly clean. no pizza boxes, empty beer bottles, rib bones and anything sex inappropriate laying on the floor

"Come on, lute, we're almost done, let me have the spoon back...." Adam gently tried to pull the spoon out of lute's tiny hands but for being a 2 year old, she had a surprising strong angelic grip. "Come on, let me have the spoon back and I'll sneak you some chocolate pudding once you're done with your mushy peas."

By pure coincidence, lute let go after hearing her favorite dessert was involved.

"See? That wasn't so hard." Adam scraped the last of what was in the baby food jar onto the spoon and held it out for one more bite. "Here, take this bite and you can play with the spoon as much as you want."

"I see , I was too late to stop the food negotiation stage." Sera smiled.

Adam looked up in annoyance to see sera smiling from the doorway. "Hey, I didn't think you would be here this week."

Sera shrugged. "I wanted to check up on your little bride's progress and we do need to talk about...everything from the last meetings that you been missing."

Adam nodded. "Right, right. Well, this little girl is just about done eating so next is bath and then we gotta put lute to bed so that's probably a good time to talk."

"Uh, sure. Yeah. Do you need any help?"

"No, I've got it," adam assured sera. "Lute gets nervous about anyone who isn't me." He got lute out of her high chair and carried the messy toddler off to the bathroom.


Lower your pitchforks , before anyone tells me what the fuck! I just want to say I don't support children getting married to adults.
I did this for humor and I love how amazing this ship is and feel free to comment 💖

Also heads up go read SitaraDawn story Husbandry and yes before you all send the angry mob with the flaming torches or anything I did ask to do my own version of their story

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