19: Crossing Paths

Start from the beginning

He doesn't say anything for a while. You bury yourself deeper in the blanket, shivering occasionally. You were so worked-up over the Karl and Felix situation that you didn't even realize how cold it was outside. The warmth of a safe home is helping soothe your frayed nerves. Just a bit.

Caleb suddenly clears his throat. "You... aren't going to ask me why?"

"Why what?"

"Why I wasn't answering any of your messages before," he mutters, visibly ashamed. "I thought for sure you would bring it up by now."


You blink wearily. It's true that you were worried about it for a while, but you figured that he must have had his reasons. You were afraid that he didn't want to be friends with you anymore, but since he opened up his home to you in the middle of the night, you doubt that's actually the case.

"Shit happens," you shrug. "I understand. I was planning to give you space and wait until you reached out to me. Well, up until I had a meltdown earlier, at least."

Caleb clenches his jaw. "I'm sorry, [Name]."

"You don't have to say sorry."

"No, I do. The fact that you forgave me so easily makes me feel even guiltier about it. Ever since that asshole Kai came into the picture... I've been really out of it. Just remembering that day makes me sick to my stomach. I know it's not an excuse for ignoring you, but I felt so ashamed about not being able to stand up to him that I acted really pathetic. I shouldn't have avoided you, especially when he's the one to blame. I'm really, really sorry."

Caleb looks like he's about to start crying as well, but he swallows his shame and sadness, quickly sporting a smile.

"Well, thank you for hearing me out. I wasn't trying to stress you out even more right now. It sounds like the tea's ready. I'll be right back."

He stands up from the couch, and your misty eyes trail after him. You weren't expecting him to feel so guilty about ignoring you. It goes without saying that you don't want him to feel bad, but as awful as it sounds, you're relieved.

If you were to lose Caleb as a friend, you're not sure how much longer you'd be able to hold out.

You try not to imagine it. A few moments later, he returns with a mug filled to the brim with tea and carefully hands it to you.

"It's super hot, so be careful," he warns.

You nod and take the mug into your hands, blowing on the liquid's surface several times before taking a sip. As expected, it is hot, but it's exactly what your weak, shivering body needs right now. You can feel some of your strength returning to you. You're still in no condition to work tomorrow, but perhaps that's for the best. Your body and mind need a break from everything. For a few days, you'd like to try and delude yourself into thinking you have a perfectly average, perfectly normal life.

Even though it probably won't work.

"How is it?" Caleb asks worriedly. "Sorry. I wasn't really sure what you liked. I have other options if that one's no good."

"This is perfect," you reassure. "Thanks again."

Caleb smiles and nods, opting to remain silent while you drink your tea. You don't mind the quiet, funnily enough. You know that you're not alone in this moment. There's someone kind and trustworthy by your side. Compared to what you experienced earlier, you may as well be in heaven right now.

Everything is tranquil for a while. Peaceful. You sip your tea with your eyes closed, weighed down by exhaustion. You feel as though you can finally afford to rest.

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