Chapter 2

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The morning started fine. Max left Monaco for the UK for more sim practice so I had his apartment. I made myself toast and another espresso, just to get me through until I had to leave to catch a flight to Milan for my Miu Miu shoot.

This was a real breakthrough that I was extremely excited for. Contrary to what most people believed, I had worked hard to get this job and was finally ready to be Danique, model instead of Danique, Max Verstappen's sister.

However, my number one weakness was Italian men. There was something about them that was so enticing, but I had to focus. The thing I hated worse than the media was losing to my brother and I had until the beginning of September to prove that I could stick to my word.

I walked into my room, packed a small suitcase before calling a taxi and driving to the airport. There was something about the French Riviera that was like nowhere else in the world. I always felt at home.

My phone buzzed and broke my daydreams. It was an email from Rupert. I had forgotten to block his email. We'd only been dating a matter of weeks before I found out he was cheating and was still begging for my forgiveness a week after the Paris incident. Maybe this 'cleanse' would be easier than I had initially thought.

I thanked the driver and walked through the airport, struggled through security and wandered into duty free. I mooched through the makeup and perfumes until I reached the Ray-Ban sunglasses.

In front of me, on a big electronic screen was Charles Leclerc. I hadn't seen him in years, other than on the TV or social media. I tended to avoid the races as Max won most of them, and I found it boring. Plus it was made very clear to me from a young age that it was my father and Max's place, not mine.

I looked at the picture. I could see why girls fawned over him, physically he was perfect. But all I could see was the little boy who ignored me and found me annoying all those years ago at the karting tracks. Just another boy added to my list of heartbreaks.

I finally boarded my plane half an hour later, and tried to read my book for the short time it took to get from Nice to Milan. But something was bugging me, niggling at my brain, ensuring that I couldn't focus on the words on the page. So I sat, mulling over Rupert and George and Charlie and Sam, and what had gone wrong. I decided to make a list.

Red flags that must be spotted earlier!!!

1. If he's rude to staff in restaurants/shops but nice to you. Turns out, he just a horrible person that will end up yelling at you when you're alone.

2. If he calls his ex girlfriends toxic and crazy but gives very little detail about their breakup. He's the toxic and crazy one and will be back with his ex 3 days after you break up.

3. If he drinks too much and throws a bottle at you. No explanation needed.

4. If he tells you he's working late for 5 nights in a row. News flash! He's not, he's screwing his colleague then coming straight home to you smelling of her perfume.

I nearly laughed at how tragic it was. 4 idiots in 4 months and I got called a whore. Max was right, I needs a break. Milan would be the perfect time to start a fresh.


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