Story 2: Fandom Trouble!

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Note: Story 1 will continue. Just taking a break from it.

Character by Hoja0248/olga. Its HER OC. Her Twitter was deleted and i don't really know where to contact her. She doesn't seem to have any social media left. If anyone does know, tell me pls.

(go check out her art (: )


The Spire.

N gasps as he regains his consiousness.

"Oh no no no no no NO!"

V has already left and took her dress with her, likely to go and massacare the prom! N quickly gets up and climbs up the wall, but gets distracted by the idea of, well. Going ✨D a p p e r✨ to the prom.

"No time!"

N leaves to chase V. But returns a moment after.

MD Town, The Fandomverse

Meet Olga. She's an OC and will do best to represent... eNVy shippers. Welcome to the fandomverse. A dimension where all fandoms exist in one world in the form of different cities.

The MD town is a pretty lively place, with some cars driving around and pedestrians, which are all just random Reddit and Discord... and etc. MD fans.
Olga is the embodiement of eNVy itself. Other ships in the fandom also have their headquarters, and are actual characters.

"I fucking hate my life." Olga's expression is dead inside, her left eye that is the letter V, twitching.

"Liam! Why! For fuck's sake!"

Olga throws her phone out of her window. She just saw episode 7, the moment where N reveals to Nori that he and Uzi "Hang Out" accompanied with HEARTS. Made her lose her shit for a lil bit. V didn't return and have a romantic with N, making Olga even sadder. Her apartment is filled with the sounds of her cursing and kicking shit around.

Well. It's time to do the thing! If eNVy ain't becoming canon by writer's choice. She shall do it. After all, she is the litteral embodiement of eNVy here, ain't she?

A few magic moves... And she is in the MD universe. Time to mess up the timeline! She appears somewhere near the Spire.

"So first things first... What exactly do we have to change in order to make eNVy CANON, DEAR READEEEEER?"
Points at your POV.
"That is RIGHT. Episode 3... The turning point!"

Olga writes down:
prevent N and Uzi holding hands...

Its Showtime!

"Aighty reader or... viewer."
Looks at your POV
"Whoever im talking to. Lets make eNVy canon, shall we?"
Reloads sniper rifle

The Spire
N hurriedly dresses up and soars up to the night skies. Unbeknownst to him. Olga's watchiiing!!!

Olga turns her head to your POV again.

"Ah. Now N is going to meet the purple emo grape near the gates of the colony. Hm... This is where Uzi will blush at N for the first time..."
"We should make sure that N doesn't get there in time to meeEEEEeet her!"

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