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Today is just like any other day, Lio's grandmother had him training from sunrise. Now it is noon and He is having a well-deserved break. Lio is not complaining at all, this has been his life for the past seventeen years. Lio's grandmother has always said that he has a destiny to fulfil. However, he sometimes wonders if that is true or is she just trying to make Lio feel good about himself. She has always said that Lio is not like other children his age, which is true. Lio has always had a physical advantage on the kids his age growing up and till this day Lio's strength, speed, stamina and senses have always surpassed everyone else around him, all but his grandmother of course.

 The sun is warm on Lio's skin, the water from the lake is cool on his feet and the wind is keeping his body cool with its light breeze. This is Lio's favourite season where training isn't made extra hard by cold weather. From a distance he can hear the small settlement not too far from the farm Lio, his grandmother and Uso live. They keep a bit of distance from the people and Lio never understood why his grandmother chose this place for them. She says that it is important that they are there. He never really questions her reasons; she has never done anything to make him doubt her so Lio never cared to enquire more. She does allow Lio to spend time with the children his age, the animals on the farms keep Lio company, Uso, who helps around the farm, is always there to be whatever Lio may need him to be, a step in farther, a mentor, a sparring partner and the training does take a lot of his time.

All of a sudden a loud Cracking and crashing sound grabs Lio's attention. It sounds like rocks are falling somewhere, the sound is faint and only those close to the area and have the acute sense Lio has can hear it. This should mean, if Lio is right that whatever it is, it's happening underground. The town used to be well known a hotspot for SOULSTONE, a precious metal that is unbreakable, there was some tales about the metal, about how it can be used to perform magic, how it can bring power to whoever has it and how it could bring curses.

Quickly getting up Lio follow the sound, he knows that there is a manmade entrance that can be used, its dark in the shaft, but in a few seconds his eyes are able to adjust, Lio can hear that there is something happening to his left, he follows the sound. The sound the of rocks falling is becoming louder. He is going in the right direction and there is definitely something happening here. Which is odd because everyone knows there should stay away from the mines. There is a large creator in the middle of passage that I'm travelling in, the sound is coming from in there, someone grants almost like they are throwing something or lifting something. They are down there. Lio quickly jump in bracing himself for impact. Landing on the ground there is cracks where he landed from impact. The area is dimly lit, not by a torch or a light source but a young man inside, his surrounded by a faint yellow glow around his body. His at Lio's left, there is rocks around him, just floating suspended in the air. To Lio's right, a large creature, one I have no idea where it could have come from. Its large, easily 7ft, it stands on two legs, has four arms, it has a sandy-reddish colour to it. It turns to look at Lio's direction, picking up a large chunk of rock that it throws towards Lio, he prepares for impact, but before he feels the rock hit him its stopped.Look to the young man; his arm is stretched out in Lio's direction. "Did he just stop it from all the way there?". With his right hand he stretches out towards the creature, it looks like it is being picked up by something, and is nocked further into the rocks behind it. Than as if it was being pulled by an unseen force the creature flies towards him. As this happens it tries to fight this force, by hitting the ground we are standing on with its four arms. This makes the ground collapse and the trio falls deeper into the mines. This area was clearly never accessed by the miners, using the falling rocks as leverage by hoping on to them Lio is able to lend on the ground, the young man comes down much more graceful almost like he is floating at the same time the beast hits the ground. Automatically starts coming for Lio. Lio jumps up dodging it, and giving it a kick on the back of the head. He lands on the ground but is not fast enough and it is able to throw a punch, it tries for another one and some force pulls Lio away from it. It must be the young man.

"Stay out of the way" he shouts to Lio, who hits the rock face, the impact was not that bad but there is dust in his eyes. Rubbing them, he sees that there is a faint Green glow around his hands, and there is a glow in the rocks that is the same colour. The beast, slows down its charge towards him. Could this light have something to do with it? Lio digs his hand into the rock, and pulls the piece of silver, it comes out with an ancient looking necklace it almost has a life of its own. It wraps itself onto his neck.

Lio feels a force coursing through his body, almost electric, no hot, yes a warm sensation courses through his body. The creature is now at a standstill; the young man lands on the ground, assisted by two floating creatures on both sides. "How the ..." He says walking closer towards Lio and the beast. The two floating creatures disappear. "Try order it to punch the ground, don't say it aim your command to it". He says to Lio, nudging his head towards the four armed beast.

"What" Lio asks, "just do it "he responds. "Punch the ground "Lio think almost like he is aiming his thought to the creature, it does as command. "Okay........., who are you?", the young man asks.

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