Chapter 29 - Bonfire Preparations

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The sound of her phone buzzing against the bedside table prompts Crybaby to finally pull herself out of bed. She rubs the sleep from her eyes as she picks up her phone, checking her notifications.

[ 7 news message from Celeste ]

Crybaby's eyes widen in alarm as she taps her screen, pulling open their messages. Her eyes flick across the screen as she quickly reads.


Crybaby squints in confusion, typing out a reply. "Isn't she dating Kelly?" She sends.


Crybaby struggles for a moment to read Celeste's typo. "That's cool! I'm glad the feelings are mutual." She sends, before sending another message. "Wait, does that mean you have to date Kelly too?"

"Ill explain later :3"

Crybaby shrugs to herself, before putting her phone down, and getting ready for class.


The school day quickly rushes by. Crybaby and Angelita make their way into the cafeteria, joining Celeste at their usual table.

"Where's Ben?" Angelita asks, taking her seat beside Celeste.

Crybaby's eyes fall on Ben's empty seat. There's an abandoned tray on the table.

She sits down as Celeste explains.

"He got called to the office for something." She shrugs.

"Is he okay?" Crybaby signs.

"Maybe Leo snitched about him sneaking out all the time." Celeste shrugs again.

"Nah," Angelita says. "Him and Ben have an agreement."

"What?" Crybaby signs, raising an eyebrow.

"Leo doesn't snitch on Ben sneaking out, if Ben doesn't snitch on Leo." She explains.

"That's oddly nice." Crybaby signs. "I had gotten the impression Leo is a mean guy."

"Oh, he is." Angelita smirks. "Also, unrelated, but do you guys want to come with me to the store later?"

"Obviously." Celeste smiles. "Any excuse to get snacks."

"I said I'm not leaving the school until the bonfire." Crybaby signs.

"But, Crybaby, we're going to be buying supplies for the bonfire." Angelita explains, attempting to convince her to come along. "If you don't go to the store to buy the snacks, you'll get stuck with Saltines on your s'mores." She threatens jokingly.

"Fine." Crybaby signs, making an exaggeratedly grossed out face. "I'll go, but you better not buy any Saltines."

"Wonderful!" Angelita smirks. "I was thinking we could go right after classes end for the day?"

"Sure." Celeste says, as Crybaby nods.

"Okay, I'll go run around and find you both later then."


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