Chapter 28 - Celeste's POV

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As the next night approaches, Celeste begins spamming Crybaby's phone with many panicked texts. Once Angelita arrives at the door to pick her up, Celeste's panic becomes an internal pit in her stomach. Her phone remains tucked into her pocket as the two girls sneakily walk to Angelita's room, managing to avoid any staff members lurking eyes.

Once the door closes behind her, Celeste lets out a nervous sign, before quickly tossing a smile across her face as Angelita's eyes meet hers.

"Maya isn't here." Angelita smirks. "So, you won't be forced to spend your night listening to a bunch of boring gossip." She makes her way around the room, guiding Celeste to a small area near the couch, which has been set up for their sleepover.

"Oh, we aren't sharing your bed?" Celeste forces out a joke, trying to hide her nerves.

"My bed's too small for me!" Angelita scoffs, light-heartedly.

As Angelita reaches to take Celeste's bag, their knuckles brush against each other's, causing Celeste's stomach to flutter.

"Uh." She begins without a plan, trying to distract from any visible panic she may be showing. "Are we going to watch a movie, like you mentioned?"

"Yeah." Angelita turns away. She kneels beside a table, flipping through a small case full of DVDs. "I was thinking we could watch a Barbie movie?"

"Ha, sure." Celeste laughs nervously. "There's a lot of those now, right?"

"Tons." Angelita says, turning to face Celeste. "But, this is the best one." She smirks, eyes glancing down to the DVD in her hands.

Angelita spins around, reaching over to slide the movie into her DVD player. She shuffles around on the floor, getting comfortable in the makeshift bed she created.

Celeste watches hesitantly. She exhales sharply, breathing out any fear, before dropping onto the cushioned floor. As she moves, she wobbles slightly. With a thud, half her body lands on top of Angelita.

"Ow!" Celeste whispers loudly. She moves, sitting beside Angelita on the floor.

"You didn't even get under the blankets." Angelita teases, moving the blankets she had pulled around herself, inviting Celeste inside.

"I was being theatrical!" Celeste jokes.

"Yeah, sure." Angelita laughs, tossing the blanket around Celeste.

As the smooth sound of Angelita's laugh moves through the air, Celeste feels like she can breathe a bit easier. Her nerves ease up a bit, as she pulls the blanket more closely around herself.

Angelita leans forward, pressing play on the remote. She gets settled back into her spot, as the DVD begins playing on the small TV in front of them.

Celeste's eyes dart beside her, as Angelita wraps an arm around her shoulder. Her gaze is left unmet. Angelita continues staring ahead at the TV, as she rests her head against Celeste's shoulder.

Celeste's focus lingers on Angelita, watching her eyes flick around the screen as she watches the movie.

She takes a deep breath, relaxing into the seat, and Angelita's touch.

Celeste hesitantly wraps her arms around Angelita's shoulders, feeling her relax against her touch.

Celeste remains as still as possible for the duration of the movie, only breaking away once Angelita sits up to turn off the TV.

"Thoughts?" Angelita asks, meeting her gaze.

"On the movie?" Celeste asks. "You're right, it's definitely the best one."

"You haven't even seen all of them?" Angelita laughs.

"I don't need to!" Celeste smirks, placing her hands on her hips jokingly. "It's just so obviously the best one!"

"Well, I'm glad you agree." Angelita giggles. "Did you want to do something else now?"

Celeste glances around the room quickly. "Something else, like what?"

"Anything we can think of." Angelita shrugs.

"Make out?" Celeste jokes, getting a laugh out of Angelita.

"If we must!" Angelita plays along, to Celeste's surprise. A playful smile coats her face.

"We must, actually." Celeste continues to joke. "For the good of the country."

"Oh, really?" Angelita smirks. "How do I know you don't just want to kiss me?" She teases suddenly.

Celeste feels her face heat up, and begins to panic. "For the good of the country!" She yells, before springing forward, tackling Angelita to the floor.

They land against the pile of spare blankets Angelita had gathered and set aside.

Celeste avoids eye contact as she hears Angelita giggling, feeling her body bounce with laugher underneath her.

"I don't care about the good of the country, honestly." Angelita says through laughter.

"Then, for the good of me?" Celeste mumbles uncertainly. She turns her face halfway to meet Angelita's eyes.

"Well, I do care about you." Angelita smiles. Moving her hand to cup Celeste's face, she lifts her head up slightly to kiss Celeste.

Celeste tenses up against her touch as she meets Angelita's eyes, stopping her in her tracks.

"Oh, I don't have to actually kiss you." Angelita whispers assuringly. "I was just being silly." The warmth of her breath brushes against Celeste's face as she speaks.

Celeste's eyes linger on Angelita, as if she's caught in a trance. The palm of her hand is warm against Celeste's face.

"I... want to kiss you." Celeste whispers in confession.

Her's gaze breaks away from Angelita in fear. She rolls to the side, laying on the floor next to Angelita.

"You want to kiss me?" Angelita echoes in confusion.

Celeste nods. "But-" She feels Angelita move next to her, now laying on her side, facing Celeste. "But," She continues, "in a romantic way."

A beat of silence passes before Angelita whispers, "Oh."

"I'm sorry." Celeste turns, meeting Angelita's eyes. "I don't know why I feel this way about you now. We've known each other for so long, and we've always been really affectionate with each other, and I never wanted it to be romantic before." She continues to ramble. "I know we've kissed before, but it was always platonic to me. And, now you're dating Kelly, and I don't want to get in the way of that. I just-"

Celeste is cut off by Angelita's lips pressing gently against her own.

She freezes as Angelita pulls away slightly, lingering in front of her face.

"Honestly, I've wanted it to be romantic for a while, now." She whispers. Her breath caresses Celeste's face reassuringly as she speaks.

"What about Kelly?" Celeste asks.

"When we started dating, Kelly told me that she's poly." Angelita explains. "I didn't know what that meant at the time, but after she told me, I realized I definitely am too. So, we've been in an open relationship this whole time actually."

"Why didn't you mention that?"

"I hadn't done anything worth mentioning." Angelita shrugs. "Kelly is the one who's gone on dates and stuff with other people. I haven't met anyone besides her who I've been interested in doing that with yet."

Celeste lets out a quiet sigh.

"Until now." Angelita adds. "With you." She smiles as she clarifies.

"So, you feel the same way about me?" Celeste asks, hesitantly.

"I do." Angelita laughs quietly. "Celeste, I like you romantically." She scoots a bit closer. "I want to kiss you, romantically."

"I..." Celeste trails off, leaning forward to meet Angelita's lips. She's pulled in closer as the two continue to kiss.

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