Chapter 2

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Me and this random boy were walking down the street, I don't know why but all the sudden I feel emotional. This boy just 'saved my life' and now he wants to make me happy? I haven't felt happiness in a long time.....

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked him.

He turned around and looked at me.

"My name is Gon. What's yours?"


"Killua? That's a pretty name"

I suddenly felt like my face was on fire.

" Gon....where we headed?"

"To my favourite cafe if that's ok? I want to get to know you more!" He said cheerfully.

"Why though? We just met" this boy is confusing.

He giggles. "You seem pretty cool"

There's that feeling in my face I blushing? Could be it, but why?

By the time I knew it we were at this cafe that he apparently likes.

We sat down in booths and just ordered some drinks.

I kept looking down at my lap, fidgeting with my fingers.

"So Killua...."

I looked up at him.

"What made know, want to end it all?" He asked.

"Wow, straight to the point I see" I said back.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous" he said

"Well it's not like anyone is asking you to do this"

I got up from my seat.

"This is stupid...why am I talking to a stranger-"

"Wait! Please don't leave!" I felt Gon grab my arm.

"I'm sorry it's just....i don't have many friends, I use to have a best friend, but he took his own life....and when I saw you almost do the same I guess it kinda pulled off a sorry. I will understand if you don't want to talk to me"

Gon slowly let go of my arm, his eyes meeting the floor. It looks like he was about to cry.

I sighed and sat back down.

Gon looked at me with hope, he wiped away some tears.

"Hey don't cry...I'm sorry" I leaned over and wiped some of his tears away. Both of us blushed.

"I guess no one has ever really cared about me like that, even though we just met" I chuckled at the end, so did he.

Our drinks came.

For the rest of the day me and Gon talked and we were slowly warming up to each other. I told him my dislikes and the very few interests I had, and he told me the same. I knew a lot more about this curious boy now, he seems charming and kind, maybe it won't be bad to have a friend after all....but I know my family won't accept.

He must've noticed my expression changed, because he stopped talking and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Killua are you okay?" He asked.

"My family they.....they aren't the nicest people on earth, they don't like anything that I do and if I don't do something to their liking they....beat me"

Gon's eyebrows turned upwards. He took my hands and held them, his nice and warm.

"Oh so sorry" he said.

I let out a shaky breath.

"It's not your fault. If they find out I have a friend they may kill you" my eyes started getting blurry.

Gon pulled a frown.

"Killua why don't you live with me?" He said with determination.


"Don't worry I live alone, my aunt lives in the countryside. What do you say? Let's run away!"

I looked down and smiled.

"Yeah ok, let's do that!"

We got up and payed for our drinks and ran out the cafe like a bunch of loonies, just laughing at nothing.

Gon....your my first friend, I shall protect and cherish you forever.

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