2. Eternal Wandering

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In the dark meanders of my lost mind,

I'm looking for the way, the way to cross,

Between the shadows of the past and the promises of dawn,

I get lost and find myself, in this dance of faith.

The murmurs of silence surround me, haunt me,

Like distant echoes in a wandering night.

The bursts of light, fleeting and uncertain,

Guide me through the darkness, towards tomorrows.

At the turn of a memory, I meet my reflection,

Fragmented, broken, but always in search of elevation.

The scars of the soul testify to my past wanderings,

But also of my desire to transcend torments, to move forward.

Eternal Wandering, where every step is a meditation,

On the changing nature of life, on its perpetual mutation.

In this inner labyrinth, I look for the truth,

In poems, emotions, dreams woven with reality.

That these verses, like lanterns in the night,

Light the path of those who, like me, wander without noise.

In Eternal Wandering, we find our humanity,

In the incessant quest for meaning, in the dance of eternity.

Volume 1: Labyrinth of the Soul: Inner PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora