5. Paths of Silence

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On the paths of silence, I walk alone,

Through the mists of oblivion, in the glow of the unknown,

Words lose and find themselves in this inner quest,

In this fertile silence, where the heart's seeds manifest.

Each step resonates like a fluttering wing,

In this realm of the soul, where wonders spring.

I delve into the shadows, seeking the light,

In the meanders of silence, where every moment is a rite.

The whispers of the wind carry echoes of the past,

Memories, regrets, and dreams that couldn't last.

I let my thoughts bloom in this secret garden,

On the paths of silence, where everything is forever woven.

Paths of Silence, where speech turns into music,

Where emotions unfold, without pretense or gimmick.

I allow myself to be lulled by the gentleness of the infinite,

In this intimate dance, where the soul reveals, where time bends.

May these verses, like leaves carried by the wind,

Find resonance in the hearts seeking their own hymn.

In the Paths of Silence, we find completeness,

In communion with the essence of our solitude.

Volume 1: Labyrinth of the Soul: Inner PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now