3. Conversation

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So, when Aditi called all of her friends to the bridge at 4 PM, she was looking for help. She had just seen something strange and ominous and needed their support and advice. However, no one had any idea what was going on or what she was talking about.

Aditi: "I touched the book and I felt a vibration, a shock like something going through my body. I got some flashes of images of some castle but they were so blurry that I couldn't remember it properly. I also saw some dark tunnel kind of thing, but it was just like for an instant, and I can't really remember the details. I don't know what happened to me, but there's definitely something strange going on here..."

Pulak: "Hey, relax and don't panic. Let's not jump to conclusions and start assuming the worst. Let's take a deep breath and try to understand what's going on here."

Riya: "What are you talking about? This is all sounding like complete bullshit, like some supernatural, stupid crap. Are you trying to pull some kind of a prank on us and scare us? That's not funny."

Aditi: "No, I'm not pulling a prank.. I really don't know how to describe it. It's like I feel something inside of me, something strange and scary. I see these strange images in my head. I feel this vibration in my body. I don't understand why it's happening to me, and it's all so confusing and terrifying. I really don't know what to do and I'm so scared."

Bhagyashree : "I'm sorry, I don't believe in all this magic and supernatural bullshit, so I don't know what you're talking about. You said you saw it on the table, so why don't you take us there and we'll find out what exactly it is you saw? Don't worry, we're all here for you, and we'll figure it out together."

Shambhavi: "Haha, yeah, I think Aditi is possessed. She's totally lost her mind and is talking absolute nonsense. Someone should seriously call an exorcist to get rid of whatever ghost has got into her mind."

Anjali: "Hey guys, stop it. Can't you see the fear in her eyes? She's really scared of something and I don't think she's talking about something stupid. We all encountered that man who was looking for the same tunnel, so why do you still think she's joking? I think we should really hear her out and listen to what she's saying."

Pulak: "Yeah, alright, we should go to her house and check what's wrong with the book. She's clearly scared of something. Let's not assume the worst and let's just go and see what's up. Maybe there's something we can help her with."

So, they go to her house and proceed upstairs to her room, where Aditi opens the door and seems very scared. She does not want to enter her room and is pointing her finger towards the book where it is kept, even though she is visibly terrified.Pulak and Anjali move forward to touch the book, but before they could, Bhagyashree jumps in between them and grabs the book, starting to quickly flip through the pages.

Pulak and Anjali exchange a quick glance, conveying to each other their realization that whatever Aditi had said about the current through the book was not felt by Bhagyashree. They look at Aditi, trying to tell her through their eyes that nothing happened when Bhagyashree touched the book. They are hoping that Aditi would believe them and understand that the book is not dangerous.

[Looking at both Anjali and pulak]

Aditi: "But... b-but... it wasn't normal at that time. I-I felt... i-it was just like a shock, one moment and I felt it all throughout my body, like a vibration. It was just for an instant, but it felt so real and so unusual. I don't know what happened, but... I know I felt something, I know I'm not crazy!"

Bhagyashree: [getting frustrated] "Alright, enough of this acting and don't be silly. If you're so afraid of this book then just throw it away, I don't understand why you're so scared. The pages are all empty, there's nothing to be scared of. Let's just forget about the book and move on, it's not worth fighting over."

Pulak: "Bhagyashree, calm down. Let's not fight about this, it's not worth it. Aditi, may I keep the book for a while? I just want to study it for a little while, that's all. I swear I'll give it back to you after I finish."

Aditi: "No, no, I don't want this book anymore. You can keep it, it's fine. I don't care what happens to it, just take it and don't worry about giving it back to me. I don't want anything to do with this stupid book anymore."

So, Aditi responds by saying that she doesn't want the book anymore and gives permission for Pulak to keep it with him. She doesn't care what happens to it and doesn't even need it back. It seems like the whole situation is resolved now. Pulak takes the book with her, and Aditi seems a little more at peace that the book is gone. She just wants to forget about the whole thing and move on.

As the sun sets, the friends say their goodbyes to Aditi and leave, heading back home. Aditi is now alone in her bedroom, still a little uneasy but relieved that the whole situation seems resolved. She closes the door behind her and tries to relax, wanting to put the whole incident with the book behind her and just move on.

This doesn't end here. Later that night, when Pulak went to sleep after completing her homework, something strange started to happen. She felt a sudden chill spreading throughout her body, beginning from her fingers and slowly moving up her arm. She started to feel uneasy and began to sense something ominous and eerie in the air. It was as if there was a presence nearby, a presence she couldn't see but was sure that it was there...

Why was it happening so?? Read the next part to find out ..

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