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"Fear is the thief of Dreams"
- Brian Krans


All my life, decisions have been made for me. From my family. From my father. And from my husband.

I had no say. I was a nothing in their eyes. A nothing. And that's how I was treated.

I had been trapped in this nightmare for several years and it got worse every day.

My father, who felt nothing but hatred for me, had no problem marrying me to a strange man. To the strange man, what money my father gambled.

Rafael Santos, the 44-year-old Don, had no problem seeing me as a betting debt and forcing me to be marry him.

I have been trapped in this marriage for half a year. As his wife. He has been beating and raping me ever since.

I hate him. I hate him so much. For everything he did to me.


I flinch when I suddenly hear his deep and cold voice. My heart starts pounding wildly and I turn around to face him. I had been so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice how he came into our bedroom.

"There she is, my beloved wife."

His voice disgusts me. Everything about him disgusts me.

I put a smile on myself and tense myself when he comes up to me with big steps. He roughly grabs my hair and tilts my head back.

It was a painful grip, but I remained silent. I was too afraid to say anything to him.

With his dark eyes, he looks at me.I feel my hands starting to tremble. His face was so close to me that I can feel his breath.

He smelled of whiskey and smoke. I hated this smell.

"Did you miss me?" he asks me and I swallow the big lump in my throat.

No. "Yes," I say quietly.

I see that his eyes darken with my answer. A second later he presses his lips hard on mine. I close my eyes.

If I play by his rules, he wouldn't hurt me so much.

I don't know how long we've been kissing, but I didn't dare to interrupt the kiss. His grip around my hair became coarser and more painful. A slight whimper left my throat and he took advantage of that as an opportunity to penetrate my mouth with his tongue. I falter briefly in my breathing.

"Get on your knees, Catalina," he says in a firm voice as he takes his lips away from me. He loosened his grip around my hair until he pulled it back completely.

With a racing heartbeat, I nod slightly and get on my knees. In me it was bubbling with fear. Fear of what's next.

With his cold fingers, he embraces my chin and raises my head so that I can look at him. His look was expressionless. He looks at me with his cold eyes.

"Who do you belong to, Catalina?"

I hated the sound of my name from his mouth. I hated him.

"I belong to you.," I say quietly and bite my teeth hard.

"Please.. stop.." I beg him, but he doesn't listen to me. I scream loudly when I felt the next blow on my back. And then next. And next. I could hardly keep my eyes open in pain.

"Please stop..." I whimper as he grabs my hair and hits me hard in the face.

"Who do you belong to Catalina?"

I'm trying to suppress the memory.

"Take off my belt, Catalina."


So.. this was the first chapter. Let me know what you guys think about this story so far.

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